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We are misusing the program. Please check


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We are a company that develops and provides programs externally. 

There is a lot of damage caused by misdiagnification of your program in our program. 

Our program is currently installing with user consent unless there is any malware related source. 

I have attached the terms and conditions and the program in the attached file.

Request to check the program and put it in a whitelist.

Please take care of it as soon as possible. 

Thank you.


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If I'm reading the included info correctly, this app still is technically adware (just because an application informs users that it will be displaying advertisements doesn't exempt it from classification as adware; any app that shows third party ads and ads for affiliated products while running is technically adware, at least in my opinion):

- Depending on our policy, advertisements or other news may be posted.
- Depending on our policy, we may communicate with the server for statistics or other services.
- Depending on our policy, we may have installed our headquarters or our suppliers ' software.
- Files can also be transferred from the Office to the server for file light.edI service.

With regards to bundling/installing of other applications, that's a different matter obviously, but if it shows ads, it's adware and technically should remain classified at least as PUP if not as an adware threat, at least if I'm understanding accurately what that first line in bold means from their included terms document.

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  • Staff

Where does one download this? URL please? (You can mung the URL by using XX in place of tt in http )
Or did you suspend the entire site?

As an English user, I cannot even read the EULA or component selection.





So I have no clue what is happening. This is a standard Windows 7 Virtual machine I launched this on.
Those pre-selected components are what? What is the one that is unchecked?

Thank you,

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