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I have purchased Malwarebytes Premium for 4 devices. I have activated it on a desktop, and I have also downloaded it on my Samsung S9. I have activated it on both, yet on the subscriptions page under devices it only shows the one device, which is the desktop. I'm not sure if it has been activated on the phone - it does say it is premium but unsure if it has activated properly. I have activated both devices over 3-4 weeks ago.

Also the reason I am asking if it has been activated on the phone is because the bar reaches about 2/3 of the way when scanning, then suddenly jumps to the end and finishes, and all scans are showing 35 seconds according to the scanner. Even when new files/apps have been added and the number is included in the total files/apps scanned. Is this something to be concerned about?

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Thanks I have read the FAQ. I have purchased and applied the license on my android and it does show as premium on the phone, yet on the online accounts page in viewing my subscriptions, it does not show as being activated hence I thought there was a problem.

Could you also please assist with my query about the scans?  - Why are all scans taking exactly 35 seconds? Even when new apps/files are increasing? The bar reaches about 1/2 half way in scan progress and then jumps to finish. Is this normal behaviour?

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It seems to me that AGAIN, nobody at Malwarebytes is answer a SIMPLE QUESTION:

- How does licensing works on Android when you buy the multiple license from the Malwarebytes website ?

And no, it is not on the FAQs. In fact, i have contacted Malwarebytes about this and even them seemed to not have a clue.

I think the question is here is simple: if you use a multiple devices license on your Android device, will it appear on your online Malwarebytes account ? I also think it would be useful to know if it is possible to manage Android licenses the same way it is for PC (as in, deactivate a device).

Sorry if i seem exasperated, but i have tried countless times to get an answer out of Malwarebytes to no avail.

I will make a post about this in hope to get an answer...

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  • Staff

@Teej1I do not see any problem on your scan history screenshot because as i see, when you receive an update the scan is longer. When there are new protection rules, we scan everything from scratch and cache the results to speed up subsequent scans. So your on-demand scans go faster because it is using cached results.

If you are not sure if your premium is activated, click the hamburger icon and press our logo, on the coming screen you should see your premium is active.

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