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13 minutes ago, ceballard said:

Scan results are attached.

Sorry to hear you are having issues. Can you please try this and let me know if it solves your problem?:

  1. Right click the Malwarebytes icon in the notification area/system tray and select Quit Malwarebytes
  2. Launch Command Prompt as Administrator
  3. Type the following: sc delete mbamwebprotection
  4. Reboot the computer
  5. Right click the Malwarebytes icon in the notification area/system tray and select Web Protection to re-enable it
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7 hours ago, ceballard said:

That seems to have fixed things.  Thanks.

Thanks for the update and your continued support of Malwarebytes. If you have any more issues don’t hesitate to post.:)


Anyone else reading this topic and need assistance not all fixes will work for all users. , Please START your OWN NEW Topic. HERE

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