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new versions released announcements


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yep, saw that, but if I follow that it won't help me for when a new thread for Malwarebytes 3.4 Now Available gets created to announce that new release.

or am I missing something here?


I was thinking if there was a thread under Announcements (for example) called New Releases, or what have you, that way I can follow New Releases and whenever a new thread gets posted, I could get an email notification.

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Although both of those programmes should update themselves / give you a notification, that suggestion is a good one MTA.


A sticky thread where the first post is a general post about updating, with a second post about the latest version release.

As a new version comes along the 'old' second post can be deleted, and a 'new' second post made about the new version.

(It would have to be a new post not just an edit of the old one).

That way anyone subscribed to the thread could get an email notification when the new second post is made.

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hi @nukecad,

it's the main reason I was suggestion it, as my MB3 for the past 2 version releases hasn't auto updated.

I'm not overly worried about that, happy to manually download and install over the top anyway but if I can't trust the auto update feature then an email notification when a new thread is created on the subject would be the next best thing.

(BTW, the auto updating of the definition database is working fine, just the program updates themselves aren't working)

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