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Unable to connect to Service

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:welcome: Welcome aboard.

You had done quite a bit, it seems.  How did it come about that you ran MB-Clean ?   are you getting help elsewhere?

Tell me, is this the first time this pc ever had any Malwarebytes software?  or did it used to have one of our programs before?

Lets do the following:

First, Restart Windows from the Start menu.

When it is settled in, save the setup file to the Desktop from this link

The right-click on mb3-setup and select Run as administrator.   Reply Yes and allow it to proceed.

Watch while it runs.   After it completes, I suggest yet another Restart.

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Hi Maurice,

thanks for your quick reply and taking up my issue.

Firstly the Information are are looking for ;-)

a) Its the second time I'm using Malwarebytes wth this PC. Appr. 2 years ago and all were fine.

b) Basically I was trying to help myself by using the threads within this Forum - that's why I tried to fix the issue when i was reading that the MB-Clean was helping another guy.

Coming back to my issue. I did as suggested by you (hope I did not make a mistake), ie restart, save the file to my Desktop, run as Administrator, another restart. Unfortunately the popup window "unable to connect to Service" appears again.

Sorry to bother you again but di you have another idea how to solve this issue?

Many thanks again for your kind support in this matter.


P.S.Not sure whether itt is of any importance but although downloading the new Version of Malware today I can see in the Explorer dates form previous months. See attached. I just would ike to provide as much as Information as possible. If you need anything else, just advise.



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Let's try and get some fresh logs so the team can review them and see if they can tell what may be causing your issues....

  1. FIRST: Create and obtain Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (FRST) logs
  2. Download FRST and save it to your desktop
    Note: You need to run the version compatible with your system. You can check here if you're not sure if your computer is 32-bit or 64-bit
  3. Double-click to run FRST and when the tool opens click "Yes" to the disclaimer
  4. Press the "Scan" button
  5. This will product two files in the same location (directory) as FRST: FRST.txt and Addition.txt
    • Leave the log files in the current location, they will be automatically collected by mb-check once you complete the next set of instructions
  6. NEXT: Create and obtain an mb-check log
  7. Download MB-Check and save to your desktop
  8. Double-click to run MB-Check and within a few second the command window will open, press "Enter" to accept the EULA then click "OK"
  9. This will produce one log file on your desktop: mb-check-results.zip
    • This file will include the FRST logs generated from the previous set of instructions
    • Attach this file to your forum post by clicking on the "Drag files here to attach, or choose files..." or simply drag the file to the attachment area


Also see if you can get to these sites

Can you go to this site using IE - It should return a page with just a message stating OK?



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Hi.  Thanks for relaying the mb-check report file.
Tell me, please, how many times had you run MB-Clean on November 2 ?

What follows is a series of steps espeically customized for this pc   ( and this one specifically only).
Firsdt thing, please be sure to use the Windows Start menu and do a RESTART.
That way we know there are no pending operations that are hanging in Windows.

NEXT, it is very important to have the Windows Management Instrumentation Service ON.

Press and hold the Windows-flag-key on keyboard and tap the key to get the RUN menu option.

type in



and press Enter key.   

Scroll down the list.  Look for "Remote Procedure Call ( RPC )".

Does it show in the list as Running?
If it does not, then click the line "Remote Procedure Call ( RPC ): to be sure it is selected

look on the upper left corner and click on Start service.

Scroll down the list.  Look for "Windows management Instrumentation".

Does it show in the list as Running?
If it does not, then click the line "Windows management Instrumentation: to be sure it is selected

look on the upper left corner and click on Start service.

Next, Need to run a customized cleanup using FRST64.

I am sending a Fix script which is going to be used by the FRST64 tool. They will both work together as a pair.

Please RIGHT-click the FIXLIST and select SAVE AS   and save it directly ( as is) in the same general location as where you have FRST64
Save FIXLIST  to the Desktop

NOTE: Both FRST64.exe  and the fixlist.txt must be in the same location or the fix will not work.

Double click FRST64 to run the tool. If the tool warns you the version is outdated, please download and run the updated version.
Click the Fix button just once, and wait.

PLEASE have lots and lots of patience when this starts.  You will see a green progress bar start. Lots of patience. Some machines take longer than others.
If you receive a message that a reboot is required, please make sure you allow it to restart normally.

We need to do a new regular installation for Malwarebytes 3.
Please get and Save the current Malwarebytes setup file from this link

SAVE the file first.  I suggest to DESKTOP

Once saved, then Run as Administrator the mb3-setup file to start the install. ( right-click and select "Run as administrator".)

Just follow the prompts; be sure to accept the license agreement; accept the standard defaults.
After the setup finishes, you should see a working Malwarebytes 3 program.
IF not, then be sure to provide me all details, including any exception or error messages ( with full text).


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Hi Maurice,

happy to see how much time you invest to solve my issue - Many thanks again.

Re your question


Tell me, please, how many times had you run MB-Clean on November 2 ?


I would say various times, honestly I wanted to fix the issue by consultation of the Forum - now it turns out that this was maybe not the best approach - I'm awefully sorry for this.


Before running the FRST64.exe tool I encounter the following issues:

1.) I was able to find "RPC" via the RUN menu. But can't retrieve "Windows Management Instrumentation". Pls have a look into the attached doc. Maybe ist the one with WMI?

If yes, both, ie   "RPC"  & "Windows Management Instrumentation" are running.

2.) When starting the FRST64.exe the attached window appeara but I can't see any "Fix button". Quick Translation as some buttons are in german:
Untersuchen = to test, scan, examine or Research
Datei-Suche = File search
Registry-Suche = Registry search
Entfernen = Remove

Dienste = Services
Treiber = Driver

Thanks again and best, Schlens

Windows management instrumentation.docx

FRST64_Fix button.docx

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This Windows 7 pc is missing the Windows Management Instrumentation service.  That is a very important & needed service.

I will guide you to get it back.  

First, we will need you to get a download and then Save to a known area on your computer, and then "merge" it into the system.
( This next link is specific to Windows 7 ).
Click this link / then Download / then SAVE   from this link

Once after Winmgmt.reg is on your pc, go to that area ( that folder) and then
RIGHT-click with your mouse and select *MERGE* and allow it to proceed and to merge into the system.
Windows will show a confirmation when done.

That done, you should use the Windows Start menu and do a Restart .


As to the FRST64 and the task for the FIXLIST run
first, both FRST64.exe + Fixlist.txt have to be in the same area  ( saved to the same "location").
Second, the Fix button on your FRST fix screen will be the button on the farthest right side.

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Dear Maurice,

what shall I tell you - IT WORKS!!!

Many many thanks for your great assistance solving my issue. It's awesome having such kind of a nice and supportive Customer Service. I owe you a beer (or two, or three...) for sure ;-)

You made my day!!!

Greeting from Germany,

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