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Question about File


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So, I've never had Malewarebytes detect this program as a randsomware until yesterday last night but it did. The file in question is a launcher on GitHub called Cataclysm_Launcher.exe. It's basically a launcher you download to get updates on the experimental build of a game called Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead. Anyways, downloaded it after having a problem with the launcher and bam. It immediately was flagged by Malwarebytes as ransomeware and quarantined. Did the reboot it asked and then deleted the file, because I wasn't taking any chances. Did two scans before I went to bed, and one this morning before I went to college classes. Nothing has shown up as malicious in either of these scans. My computer also seems to be fine and not locking up or being "held ransom" by anything. Does this mean it was a false positive or that everything is fine and I shouldn't worry about it? Or should I just hurry and make backups before the crap storm starts from a hidden ransomware when I get home? Thanks. 

Reddit Info about the file is here:  https://www.reddit.com/r/cataclysmdda/comments/3yv7d7/cdda_game_launcher_automatic_updates_and_more/


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Can you zip and attach the log from here please:

You will need to show hidden files/folders to see the ProgramData folder.

If you don't have hidden files showing already & not sure how to, this page will explain.


Thank you!

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