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Eric the Red

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Hello all,

Having just registered here I thought that I had best announce my presence. Some of you will recognise me from Landzdown.com where I am a Mod. I also assist at malwarecomplaints.info and I hang around at various other forums. I have been involved in the battle against malware since the early days of Lavasoft's Ad-Aware (it's a long story, suffice to say I didn't agree with the direction taken by that company).

My dear friend Corrine convinced me to sign up as a beta tester for Mercin's Anti-Malware tool so here I am. Good to see so many familiar faces.



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Welcome to Malwarebytes!! It's great to have you here and having your expertise in testing MBAM is sure to be noticed. Let us know what you think. We are very pleased with it so far and it's just going to get better.

Thanks Corrine!!

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