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Recommend any driver update service?

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Can Malwarebytes or anyone on this forum recommend any trustable driver update service? Most are malware-ridden, overpriced scams, but there must be a good one out there. If so, I haven't found it. Perhaps even an open source program? Something that can scan your system and recommend verified driver updates is what I'm looking for. Thanks for any help.

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Windows updates will do the job .. no need for any other tools.. Stay away from such third party tools.. If your devices are working properly , you have nothing to worry.. check this for more info.. https://www.howtogeek.com/198758/never-download-a-driver-updating-utility-theyre-worse-than-useless/


You Don’t Need to Update Your Drivers, Anyway

Here’s the thing — you don’t actually need to regularly update your drivers. If you play PC games, you do need to update your NVIDIA or AMD graphics drivers regularly — but that’s it. And both NVIDIA and AMD include automatic driver-updating tools along with the graphics drivers to make this easy.

Driver updates occasionally arrive via Windows Update, so a serious problem will be fixed just by installing your normal updates. Windows also automatically downloads the necessary drivers when you connect new hardware. Hardware driver-updating utilities would be a waste of time even if they worked properly.

This software feels familiar. Like PC cleaners, Mac cleaners, registry cleaners, system optimization utilities, and all the other sketchy PC maintenance software you see advertised all over the web, it’s all about scaring you. Once you’re scared, you’ll pay up for their useless service.



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Driver Updaters can damage your system at a point where a reinstallation of Windows might be needed.

  • Drivers are "middlemen" between your OS (Windows) and your hardware (computer). They control and facilitate the interaction between Windows and hardware components, to deliver a "message", nothing more;
  • Having all of your drivers up to date, all the time, will not improve the performance of your system, nor your computer. You cannot increase the hardware performance of a component over the current capabilities it have;
  • Driver updates are released to fix a bug or an issue with a previous release of that driver. Not everyone with the same drivers will experience the issue, so if you are having no problems with the drivers you are running, you don't need to update them. "If it's not broken, don't fix it";
  • You can download drivers for free from your computer/laptop manufacturers website, or from the hardware component manufacturers website. You don't need to pay for any of them, if you are being asked to pay for drivers it is likely a scam;
  • Only drivers from the computer/laptop manufacturers website, or the hardware component manufacturers website are considered official (legitimate and working). You should not download drivers from anywhere else;
  • Driver Updaters are a scam, they try to convince you that you need these programs in order to make your system perform well, which is false;
  • It has been tested and proven that these programs will detect outdated drivers on a system that have the most updated drivers from the manufacturer, which shows that they don't work and/or they try to make you install "newer" suspicious drivers;
  • The goal of the distributors of such programs is to make money by making you buy their useless product, or install additional software (PUPs) when you install their program. Your system will perform worse with these programs installed than without;

This being said, such programs could be seen as "pure scam" and should be avoided at all cost.

Here's some articles that talks about Driver Updater programs and why they shouldn't be used:

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