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  • 3 weeks later...

I miss Tinker toys. I don't know what metal Erector sets are.

Did you ever play with linkin logs?

Gee, I am still working with Tinker Toys and metal Erector Sets.... Do not have these new-fangled Legos, yet. :rolleyes:
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Yes, and I think they are called Lincoln Logs, but do not know why. This was a pretty high class toy when I was growing up. You missed a lot if you do not know metal erector kits. In addition to cuts fingers, skinnedd areas, etc., they were used to create a kind of sky scraper or ferris wheel, etc... Don't know who made them but I am sure they could never been sold today - too dangerous... LOL

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I think erector sets are still sold, but now made out of plastics instead of metal :rolleyes: .

As for legos, I used to build everything from cities, cars, robots, guns, planes, aliens. You name it, I probably built it. I used to make my own Transformers out of legos, and have them transform into like 50 different things :) . Having all the parts be rearrangeable and removable is handy :D .

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