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Paranoid Windows User

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Hello All!

Let me start by saying I love MBAM and have good faith in most of their tools. Lately I've been extra paranoid using Windows 10 for several reasons which I wish to express to the community for some general input as to what I am experiencing. I've reinstalled MBAM and other solutions which have found and removed trojan(s) so I fear these may be symptoms of rootkit.


1) Every few weeks MBAM resets to Unregistered Trial mode from Activated (Premium) 

2) Sometimes MBAM Crashes when computer resumes from sleep 

3) MBAM Scan will complete no matter what percentage even if only 90 items have been scanned

4) Desktop Windows are constantly resized and in different locations (this I may attribute to dual 4K monitors)

5) Taskmanager High CPU when opening (80% down to 4%) - Major performance boost from leaving open.

7) PC will sometimes not wake from slleep and must be power cycled.

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