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Is the new Malwarebytes enough for Windows Vista?

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The best protection is the person using the computer. But keep in mind that Vista looses all  MS security updates next month. I best cost effective solution is to replace it with a computer with a newer OS. In the US you can get a good refurbished computer (tower) as low as $145.00.

my .02 worth


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I would run only one of MBAM or Zemana, with either one I would also run an anti-virus, at the very minimum you could run Windows Defender. There are several other free anti-virus as well such as Panda, Avast etc.  Or just purchase an anti-virus, your choice, however as I stated, I would not run MBAM with Zemana and I would not rely on either one as the sole protection for my computer.

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31 minutes ago, ffwfire said:

He died July 1,2015, but I've been on it a lot lately.

My sincere condolences. I would keep it off the internet and not worry about protection.

If there are precious pictures/data I would copy them you your other computer and retire it to the closet.

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I have Windows Defender on this computer I am on right now which is Windows 10 with Malwarebytes and Zemana and no problems.

Thank you for your condolences.  It was a heart attack.  He felt fine before that and his only problem was pain in his leg.  So it was unexpected


The problem is this.  MSE will not work on Windows Vista after next month.  They are stopping it and it is just a matter of time before others do.

Edited by ffwfire
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