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If you run across any issue while testing, please provide the following detail in order to best help us out:

  1. When starting desktop, get a bad pool header right on desktop. I uninstalled anti exploit and installed malwarebytes 3.0. Then I enabled anti exploit and this happened. 
  3. Operating System Details: WINDOWS 10 PRO
  4. Turned on anti exploit
  5. Do you get the same result more than once if you follow the same steps? Yes
  6. A copy of the contents of C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\MBAMService\logs in a ZIP file (attach to post).


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Hello Mylp:

1.)  The attached archive container in post #1 is vacant.  Rather than try to archive again, please attach MBAMSERVICE.LOG to your next reply.

2.)  Please read Diagnostic Logs and individually attach the 2 requested logs only from Log Set 1 in your next reply.

The 3 files to be attached are MBAMSERVICE.LOG, FRST.txt and Addition.txt.

Thank you.

Edited by 1PW
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