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[Release] AdwCleaner 6.040


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AdwCleaner 6.040 has been released!


//////// v6.040 - 02/12/16 ////////

[ADD] Performance improvements during scan initialization

[UPD] Remove unnecessary checks
[UPD] Improve MyWebSearch detection
[UPD] Major improvements in translation coverage
[UPD] Improve translations handling
[UPD] Improve SMI key restoration
[UPD] Internal metrics system more robust
[UPD] Major database update (2016-12-02)

[BUG] Crash with registry keys deletion
[BUG] Tasks not always logged
[BUG] Usernames FP
[BUG] Fix report layout issues

It's one of the biggest releases in terms of new detections (and we'll still focus on this part for the coming releases :)). Also, it includes a better translations coverage and numerous bugfixes (including annoying ones). Finally, you should observe an improvement during scan initialization in most cases.

Thank you for your patience since this release took a little longer than usual to be published.

You can get AdwCleaner from the download page: https://www.malwarebytes.com/adwcleaner/

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