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Yesterday I had a friend replace his McAfee anti-virus solution with Bitdefender 2017 Total Security.  We uninstalled his MBAM and MBAE, removed McAfee, and then successfully installed BDTS2017.  When I went to install MBAM for him, via Teamviewer, BDTS2017 repeatedly blocked (application blocking module) the installation of MBAM despite the fact that I had disabled the Anti-Virus scanning modules and even whitelisted the MBAM installation file.  There was a somewhat similar situation with BDTS2016, which I am currently running, but MBAM could be successfully installed by temporarily disabling the BD anti-virus scanning modules and the Intrusion Detection module.  The latter is apparently now a part of the 2017 Anti-Virus module.

I had no problems with my BDTS2016 and MBAM/MBAE Premium playing nicely together in the same sandbox.  I did, as a precaution, configure the recommended exemptions.

I have opened a thread, here, in the Bitdefender 2017 Forum, and I am hoping that there will be a simple solution.

I have opened this thread just to share the details of this situation for your information.  I suspect that there might be complaints coming about this issue.  BDTS2017 is reasonably new.  I did a Google search but didn't find any relevant information and I could not locate an FAQ on the subject at the Bitdefender site.

Have a great day.  I will keep you posted.


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I have had two responses from one of the Bitdefender Forum moderators to my thread, here.  So far, I have not been able to successfully install MBAM on my friend's computer.  Interestingly, MBAE installed successfully.

My guess, right now, is that disabling the Bitdefender 2017 Total Security Anti-Virus and Firewall modules is not completely successful.  I am guessing that BDTS2017 is still monitoring in the background and it doesn't like the MBAM temporary installation file, which is found here: C:\Users\<Name>\AppData\Local\Temp\is-<five random numerals/capital letters>.tmp\mbam-setup-

The Bitdefender application blocked MBAM file looks like this, as example: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Temp\is-RK1H7.tmp\mbam-setup-

With each attempt to install MBAM, the random characters change.  I have tried eight times.  I know that the definition of "insanity" is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result! :)

My friend is running an Acer all-in-one computer, Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 x64.  We did have MBAM successfully installed before we removed it, via the MBAM Clean tool, after licence deactivation, to make way for the Bitdefender Total Security 2017 install.

I will keep you posted, but this definitely seems like a BDTS 2017 issue.  Of course, the BD Moderator informed me that BD does not recommend installing any additional "security" products!

Have a great day.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just an update.  My friend had some medical issues, so there was a delay in me obtaining the logs requested by Bitdefender via TeamViewer session.

Bitdefender Technical Support provided the following information:



The case is a False-Positive one as there is no infection and we have also added an exception for the Intusion Detection System( in 2017 it is integrated in the Active Threat Control).

Please perform an update on Bitdefender and then try again to install Malwarebytes. Should the detection persist, we will need to investigate this file:



I hope to get an opportunity today to remote in to my friend's computer and see if the update corrected the issue.

Have a great day.


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I cannot find a way to mark this topic as resolved.  I updated Bitdefender 2017 Total Security to the latest version: Build:; Engine: 7.67775; Signatures: 8238516, as requested by Bitdefender Technical Support.  MBAM successfully installed.  I configured the exceptions in both products, and the MBAM scan ran fine.

It appears that this was an issue with a false detection by an earlier version of the BDTS2017 Active Threat Control module, which has now been corrected by Bitdefender in the updated version.

More information can be found at this link.

Submitted for your information.  Have a great day.


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3 hours ago, garioch7 said:

I cannot find a way to mark this topic as resolved.

Great news indeed, by you replying to the topic and letting us know its solved and providing the info as you did, is the correct way of letting us know its solved. We appreciate the work you did and the info you provided that will surely help others.

Thanks again...

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Thank you Firefox.  I am pleased that Bitdefender Technical Support dealt with this issue so expeditiously and effectively.  Now, when I get a chance, I can upgrade my Bitdefender 2016 to the 2017 version.  I wasn't going to do that if it was going to cost me my MBAM Premium anti-malware protection.

Thank you for all that you, and your colleagues, do here to provide assistance and protection to those in need.

Have a great day.  As they say: "All's well that ends well."


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