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Help me with javaws.exe!


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I got this problem in which out of nowhere hundreds of javaws.exe processes start appearing on my task manager and eat up all the memory available. It DOESN'T happen all the time and I can't find a possible "trigger" for that, I simply can't use the pc once it starts(I need to reboot it manually).

Also I'd love to know if I have another type of infection that I'm not aware of, so if anyone could help me I would appreciate a lot.

FRST files attached...

(Sorry for awkward english)



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Reboot into Safe Mode.
Go to;  "C:\Program Files\Java" ( and possibly "C:\Program File (x86)\Java" as well  )
And then into any/all  JRExxxxx\bin  folders  ( example: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_60\bin )
Rename;  javaws.exe  to; javaws.exe.BAK
Reboot into Normal Mode.
Then go to;  Control Panel --> "Programs and Features"
Remove all versions of Oracle Java.
If you have a need or still want Oracle Java, reinstall/install v8 update 102 .


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I have seen it numerous times now including being provided a computer to service with this issue.

It is not a malware caused issue.  It is a Java bug that has shown itself over many versions over the years and the steps I provided has been shown to resolve it.

Is there anything else or do you have any questions ?


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