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why right click to scan individual files , load full scan settings

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hi, It is totally weird behaviour . Now, individual file scan  is working smoothly. Why this behaviour i do not know. I tried file, files, folder, zip, exe, and even shortcut. Everything is fine now.

                             But when i first click , normal scan opens. Subsequent trying of clicks however opens correctly.

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  • Root Admin

Difficult to say why without doing system monitoring with Process Monitor or something like that. You could also potentially have permissions issues in the Registry.

I'm not saying this is your issue but you can review this older post that dealt with Registry permission issues.

Runtime Automation Errors



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Hello, today when i tried thrice, the normal scan opens. I think , i have found out the cause, and would like to have ideas from you. When i right click the file, when it was working, the program opens, scans and do that correctly. When i open it today, it opens with dashboard, and subsequently to normal scan screen. would you give solution. I do not think i have permission issue, because, there were no runtime errors noticed as in your link. Would you help me and so much others, who are also facing. Some says, it works with second or third tries. Please,

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Hi, All other sounds are working perfectly, but your video link does not work correctly .Did you check that. I have tried a mp3 file and it sounds. But when i clicked your video, it opens and plays but the sound seems to be lost . pl check. Anyhow, i will try to go thro the video to understand what it is all about. I have downloaded the process monitor.

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will do and report back. Moreover, i have used All in one repair by tweaking.com to set right file permissions and registry permissions. There are repairs and even then , the malware bytes scan opens normal dashboard screen. I will try your video link and try to capture those logs.

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Hi, The video relates to correction of any popup denoting access denied or runtime error. But nothing of the sort in my case. I already told that i have tried registry repairs and file permission repairs. Did my logs show nothing? I have enclosed two sets of logs. just see my pic it is scanning more than a lakh entries. I did not get access denied .

                    What should i select in filter, so that i could try and post you the findings.


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I think i have solved the problem with the exe fix in the link given below. I do not know whether it is temporary fix or permanent fix. I will report after testing this for few days. the link is here and the file is exe fix, the first . I took the risk of changing the reg file with this reg. It changes all the exe file and its association links. I have since been able to scan individual files and no normal scan windows. anyhow, i will wait and watch to confirm the solution. I tried to install as admin but to no use.


Edited by jraju
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  • Root Admin
15 hours ago, jraju said:

will do and report back. Moreover, i have used All in one repair by tweaking.com to set right file permissions and registry permissions. There are repairs and even then , the malware bytes scan opens normal dashboard screen. I will try your video link and try to capture those logs.

That is a LAST RESORT befoe FDISK, FORMAT, and reinstall Windows. The only reason I'd recommend a shotgun approach like that is if normal repair procedures just did not work, but the damage is done and cannot be undone.

Please monitor your system though and let me know if that helped to fix the issue or not.

Thank you


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Hi, I would say that at first try of malware bytes, the scan opens whole scan, if a file is selected for scan. But the next try, would scan individual files. So the fix has to be found in the scenario. What about the process monitor. I have selected , process name, in the first drop down menu, the next drop down menu, contains, and the third, i typed mbam.exe and after adding that to the filter, the scan started, but only blank screen could be seen. I asked your idea, about how to post the logs, if there is none to be found.

While i appreciate for your sincere effort, i think that there is some where at start point, it gives dashboard popup, instead of scan popup. Did you see the nirsoft logs of shellextnview.Is there any missing. As far i could gather, there is nothing wrong in that. The right click menu works, but the target is mbam.exe, instead of extn exe. i do not know much about extension file dll and how it is triggered.

                   The second try works perfectly today. I will watch tomorrow and come with something new, if i could find.

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Hi, Regarding registry repair, I am using that tool is boon like your tool, in repairing unkown registry entries. If suppose, i change permissions without that much deep knowledge, that would change the permisison of access and would denote access denied etc. Your video link only talked about if access denied is shown while executing.

It just restores the registry back to default to the version of windows . It could be simply undone, if i select system restore created by the program or windows. Please review in the line of your tool working perfectly at the second instance of its execution, instead of first try.

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  • Root Admin

That tool is not for use on your Operating System. It was made for Windows XP only and changes cannot be undone without a full backup of the entire system.

Please read the following about any type of registry cleaning tool

Do I need a Windows Registry Cleaner?



I'm sorry, but at this point, I really don't know what is causing the issue here. A right click context scan should bring up the main program window, process, then scan the one file.


It checks for updates, does a pre-scan, then scans the file you asked to scan. The log should show 1 file scanned each time run on a single file.

If you're getting something else then not sure what else to look at here. Try it out on another computer and verify it's behaving as it should. If so then you pretty much know for sure that something on this system is blocking or preventing it. Using any registry cleaner can easily create problems like this and can render the computer not easily fixed.


The complexity of finding, preventing, and cleanup from malware


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While i agree with you , i think you might have also noticed one thing. It opens the SCAN, instead of Dashboard during the individual scan. That is the problem, I even opted sfc scannow and it does not show any integrity violation.

                                 The right click few times , allowing to see the dashboard, finally getting to Scan tab, which is correct as per your diagrammatic representation.

why this behavior is mystery. i disabled nero and everything you said. i will try to run Frst and see myself logs, if appcomp flag is seen. Even though, i uninstalled using revo uninstaller, some residue context menu entries were found in shellexview . I disabled them.

                                          Registry cleaner, does not delete any useful entries of the programs and i am using ccleaner from more than 12 years, like MBytes.

I think it triggers mbam.exe, but the delay in triggering that is causing the dashboard to open , instead of scan screen. May it be the updating always , when opening would be a point of causation of this behaviour?

                                          I even disabled update settings, but even then if i opt for scan, it checks of updates. It is known fact, that command line prompt update is no more possible in version 2 onwards.


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Hi, i have used shellexview and disabled the context menu of some of the unwanted programs and also the residual entries of already uninstalled program Nero. Then the problem seems to be solved. On booting and opting for individual file scan, the MB opens scans and it opens the correct dialog box, instead of normal. I will wait for two more sessions to really know whether my problem still persists or solved.

Please see the residual entries of nero, the programs i uninstalled as per your suggestion in the beginning of this post.I have disabled thro shellexview.

disabling contextmenu.jpg

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No the problem still persists and  even disabling right context menu does not work.
    The only workaround is opening the malwarebytes two times and you get the correct screen.So, the bug is clearly in the program which they are not accepting. Because, nobody would be using the right click menu , for individual scan, this has not been escalated issue so far. I think, but have raised the issue, and they would not accept.
                 Let us be happy with two double clicks, one click to get the normal menu and the other time to get to scan individual files

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Hi, @jraju:

Until @AdvancedSetup returns...

Have you tried to reproduce the behavior on a different computer, as he suggested?

The reasons for asking include:

  • The Help Desk (which sees many, many more problem reports than we do here) could neither reproduce nor resolve the issue;
  • There are no similar reports here in the forum (suggesting that it's not a program "bug" -- if it were, many more users would have reported it);
  • None of us here is able to reproduce the issue, either.

>>If another computer behaves normally, then it would seem to isolate the issue to something on your system, as @AdvancedSetup has already suggested.

As an aside, context menu scanning of individual files is normally a task better suited to your anti-virus, anyway. 
There are many file types that MBAM does not even target (by design). 

It seems to be a largely cosmetic issue and one that the support agents and forum staff have (unfortunately) been unable to reproduce.

I'm sure it's frustrating for you.  Perhaps the new program version, MBAM 3.0, will work better for you.

Thanks again,


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Hi, Thanks for all who has responded. Now i know the trick of how to make it work after two clicks. Particularly, i wholeheartedly thank the Advanced Setup, root admin for his painstaking efforts. May be the new version would get me some improvement . The command line is no more i suppose. Whenever you start the programs, it is automatically updating before the scan. It does not stop there, after it updates, it is scanning threat, which is taking more time. If the update part is separated, one would be able to scan with old version and then update. The update process combines with the scan, including heuristic takes much time to complete. I already aired this voice in the beginning of this post to advanced setup.

Once again thanking all for giving jet like replies

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8 minutes ago, jraju said:

It does not stop there, after it updates, it is scanning threat, which is taking more time. If the update part is separated, one would be able to scan with old version and then update.

Updating before a scan (whether a context menu scan, a scheduled scan or a manual scan) is very important.

Scanning anything -- even 1 file -- with an outdated set of databases could result in either a false positive or (more likely) a false negative.
MBAM updates its databases several times a day, in order to stay abreast of zero-hour and zero-day threats.
So there's little point in scanning with old databases.
That's one reason why the update feature was built-in to the scanner.

Thanks again,

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Hi, dale, what i have suggested to them is to keep the update option separately , so that it could scan, load the screen correctly. I suspect, that pop up dashbaord instead of scan is the area to look. I will try to locate my place of error. I run your tool not on daily basis, but on weekly basis. Online attacks are neutralized by avast antivirus free. I use malware for all other attacks, like trojan,rootkit,stubborn PuPs and browser attacks.

                                    Normally, when i download the file, i immediately tries to scan with MB, for some files, it finds hidden suspicious files, so , i will not download from that site  and avoid that site for future downloads also. In this context, i use the right click scan more frequently , and hence i came to the forum. I will again check with all the tools, check mb,frst, etc and try to find out, if there are anymore compatibility or other issues.


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6 minutes ago, jraju said:

. Online attacks are neutralized by avast antivirus free. I use malware for all other attacks, like trojan,rootkit,stubborn PuPs and browser attacks.

Just to clarify: MBAM Free does not provide any real-time protection. It is only a manual, on-demand scanner to help detect and remove malware that has already made it past your AV onto the system.  If you would like to help prevent infection in the first place, then you would need the paid, Premium version.  It runs alongside the AV to provide complementary protection against certain types of threats not targeted by the AV.

>>So, have you tried to reproduce the issue you originally reported on another computer???
>>That would be the best way to help isolate the issue to something on your computer.

Thank you,

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