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Anti-ransomware protection is disabled


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I left my pc running while I went to an appointment.  I started a Malwarebytes scan before I left. It completed without finding any problems.  While I was gone, Microsoft installed KB907417 (updates to Word and Excel).  When I got home, I saw that the microsoft update failed, and MalwareBytes anti-ransomware's status showed "Anti-ransomware protection is disabled".   Clicking both Fix Now and Start Protection doesn't do anything.  Any ideas? I'm running version



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Hello mathit:

Using the Windows built-in zip utility, please create the following 2, separate, zipped archives for MBARW developer team analysis:

1. Create a .zip archive of the directory C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware\
2. Create a separate .zip archive of the directory C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\MBAMService\logs\

Please attach the 2 zipped archives to your next reply.  Thank you for your beta testing contribution to the MBARW project and your valued feedback.

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Here are the requested logs.  Both were created using the Windows Send to>compressed folder program.  Winzip creation failed due to a corrupt file.

I was finally able to restart MWBARW by rebooting my PC,  letting Windows update the OS with the recent changes, and then manually starting your program.



Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware.zip

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Hi mathit--

Thanks for providing the logs, even though you were able to get MBARW restarted.  

We've been investigating similar reports with the Windows 10 Anniversary Update, but luckily a fresh install and/or a reboot seems to resolve the issue.

Appreciate your feedback on the beta!


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