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mbam repair

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  • Root Admin

It is an old tool actually and was originally just a batch file that would fix some things to help repair MBAM. I've never personally used it as I find that the clean removal and reinstall is much faster and efficient. The repair did help some users though to get MBAM working without removing it.


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31 minutes ago, AdvancedSetup said:

It is an old tool actually and was originally just a batch file that would fix some things to help repair MBAM. I've never personally used it as I find that the clean removal and reinstall is much faster and efficient. The repair did help some users though to get MBAM working without removing it.


aha ! I Gotcha so I have download this tool to test it and run it ..> when I run it the the tool it has drops my a 2 file on the same folder ! so I'm wondering whether this tool is really using the Internet to get these files on my folder ?

Edited by mrdodrop
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