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As per many of the other threads about the update popup which I have been reading- some reaching back to early 2015 I still have an issue with this thing (So I feel the need to bump/new topic).
After closing it- it will instantly re-popup about 6 or 7 times (I'm on the latest version).

I am patient and as it never drawn focus from another app or caused issues (besides reducing my confidence in Mbam) however as of late the the super long lasting issue with the popup has been causing some foreground windowed games to crash the moment it pops up. 
Running Win7.

Thank you for your time, and hope you eventually fix it.


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Greetings :)

What pop-up are you referring to exactly?  The notification that is displayed after a database update has been downloaded?  If so, you can actually disable this.  Simply open Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and click on the Settings tab at the top and select Automated Scheduling on the left and look for a scheduled item in the list that says Check for Updates and double-click on it.  In the window that opens, click on the Advanced button at the bottom and uncheck the box next to Show notification after successful update and then click OK.  You can then close the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware window.

Please let me know if you were referring to something else.

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