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Why didnt malware bytes find keylogger.gen on my notebook? Webroots spy sweeper found it right away.

If i had the full copy of malware bytes with its memory shield whould it have found this keylogger?

someone used the keylogger.gen to steal 600.00 from my debit card. I did get the money back.


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Hi ! and welcome to the forum! can you run a quick scan and cpoy & paste it here please. I would need for support to see the log.

EDIT: The keylogger.gen is a virus (key logger) and can belong to one of many keylogger software available commercially on the web.

Edit: 2 what is your av sortware?

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Hi ! and welcome to the forum! can you run a quick scan and cpoy & paste it here please. I would need for support to see the log.

EDIT: The keylogger.gen is a virus (key logger) and can belong to one of many keylogger software available commercially on the web.

Edit: 2 what is your av sortware?

I use nortons. it didnt find keylogger.gen on my computer ether. Since keylogger.gen is a commercial keylogger nortons or malware bytes wont scan for it?

My nortons is going to expire in 3 months I might try another anti-virus.

is there a anti keylogger forum on here?


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@ tootal2:

Do you know if this is a relatively new threat? If so, Malwarebytes may not have added it to the definition list yet or even known about it, or something along those lines. At least you were able to get rid of it :D

Also, no program gets 100% of everything, but, Malwarebytes is one of the very best out there. As far as I know, all detections that Malwarebytes is able to detect are found with BOTH the paid and free versions. The paid versions prevents infections from getting into your system to begin with, where the free version removes them after infection.

Thanks for posting about this here, hopefully someone else with more knowledge on the subject than I will be able to jump in and advise you better and look into this malicious program.

Glad you were able to get your money back! Did you get your debit card changed (different number and everything?) If you didn't, I would recommend doing so AS SOON AS POSSIBLE :), as you could get stolen from again.

Also, if you have a credit card, I would recommend using that online and not your debit card. You never know these days. Since getting my credit card, I haven't used my debit card online anymore.

The reason is this (and I am not very good at explaining things sometimes, so please forgive me if I am confusing, I can try and explain it better if you'd like): It is, generally, much easier to get your money back / refunded with a credit card in instances of fraud because its THEIR money on the line, not yours. With a debit card, its your money. I'm glad that your bank was able to help you with your problem. I just know that not all banks are as helpful as yours was. Hopefully this will change in the future.

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Its been on my computer for at least 7 months. Since my debit card info was stolen 2 time in 7 months. and i did get new cards each time. I still have malware bytes on my computer so i can scan with both webroot and malware bytes.

also started using keyscrambler so keyloggers cant see what i type. I think it works.

how often does a keyloggers steal a credit or debit card?

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@ tootal2

Oh wow, that's a long time :D

I don't know how often they steal a credit card or debit card... but, I would order by mail with a money order from now on if you can, or call to place your order instead of buying online like you have been since this has happened to you on more than one occasion.

Please, follow the steps that AdvancedSetup provides in this thread! You want to make sure that your system is clean!

Also, please please, as a HUGE word of caution, don't apply for credit online, bank online, or anything like that.. have you done your taxes or anything online? I am warning you because since you have this keylogger (that seems like it could be coming back?) that could possibly steal your personal information as well (account numbers, ssn, dob, etc...)

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