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AntiVirus good together with MBAM

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Hi, @NestiAM:

Until @Firefox returns, there is no one "best" or "better" choice for an anti-virus.  If there were, then there would be only one AV brand on the market.;)
It's up to the user to research and select the AV that works well for his/her computer, computing practices, budget and other variables.
As Malwarebytes works closely with all of the major AV vendors, it would not be appropriate for us to recommend or to denigrate any particular AV.
The other problem is that these "which is better" discussions typically devolve into flame wars and arguments.
MBAM is designed to run alongside all of the major, popular AVs, each of which has its share of supporters and critics.

So, you might want to check out the link that @Firefox provided, as well as some of the other, general computer security fora (such as wilderssecurity), or the authoritative resources on this subject at bleepingcomputer.com here.

If you run into any problems with MBAM and your chosen AV, please feel free to post back and someone will help you.

Thank you,

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