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Zonealarm installer


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I would like to update to the latest zonealarm free firewall but i cant install as i'm getting a 'PUP.optional.installcore' pop up when trying to access the setup.exe file  The setup file is downloaded straight from the official site.

Any help?




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Can you zip and attach the file here please that you're trying to install? Because it might be not Zonealarm coming from the official website, but an Installwrapper (in this case Installcore) bundling zonealarm with something else.

Or just point me to the url/site where you've downloaded this zonealarm version from.



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We seem we don't detect this file itself, only upon launch (as it drops this setup.exe)

Zonealarm does seem to use the InstallCore installwrapper in this case - so this isn't really a false positive.

We'll look into this what we can do here - but our detection is correct though. Please add detection to your own whitelist for now for the setup.exe if you really want to install ZoneAlarm.

Small reminder, since the InstallCore installwrapper is used here, it might be possible additional software will be offered to you via the installscreen + it might also ask you to change startpage/searchpage etc etc. Please read the installscreens carefully and uncheck the additional offers/software you don't need/want.

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Thanks miekiemoes.

Sorry about this but how do i add something to the whitelist? Is it via the 'Malware Exclusions' tab in settings and then 'add file' and then just select the setup file?

Also, i now have a bunch of installcore files in quarantine from whenever i clicked on the setup file, should i delete them or just leave it as it is?

Thank you again.

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Hi Tezz,

Maybe just temporary disable your protection in Malwarebytes - then install Zonealarm (read the installscreens carefully), then reboot and enable your Malwarebytes protection again.

It's Ok if malwarebytes deletes the setup.exe file afterwards though, as it's only the installer and isn't needed to actually run Zonealarm after it has been installed.

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Here is a screenshot of what it might offer (that's what InstallCore is doing):

So please click decline for that offer - is this isn't regular Yahoo, but Winyahoo. It might be possible it offers something else in your case instead as well though (geo-located) - where I also suggest to decline it.


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Ok, thanks guys for the help, will disable and install. Just to note, malwayebytes does not remove the setup file when clicking on the setup file, it just adds another installcore file to quarantine, i have a good 10 to 15 in there at the moment.

Anyway, will disable and install and see how it goes.

Thanks again for the help, much appreciated!

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Good, please read my above post I just posted as well, so you don't end up with additional software/searchengine changes and startpage changes you don't want.

This is exactly the reason why we detect this is a Potentially Unwanted Program (in this case "created" by the InstallCore installwrapper) as users mainly click "accept" without reading what it is.

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2 minutes ago, miekiemoes said:

Good, please read my above post I just posted as well, so you don't end up with additional software/searchengine changes and startpage changes you don't want.

This is exactly the reason why we detect this is a Potentially Unwanted Program (in this case "created" by the InstallCore installwrapper) as users mainly click "accept" without reading what it is.

Hi Miekie, just logged back in to tell you about the above, i very nearly clicked Accept as it very much looks like a terms and conditions 'accept or deny' page. Very sneaky.

Anyway, have installed without any issues, will run a scan later on to see if malwayebytes finds anything else.

Thanks again for the help!

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