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In our AD domain I installed all clients via push install over the management console without any problems (all Win7/64).
Everything works fine except for 2 or 3 clients which don't give any feedback after scanning. When doing a quick scan it says "Quick scan command started" and a few minutes later "Quick scan command ended" in the System Logs tab but the "Last Scan Time" never gets updated (it's still blank for those clients). Also I don't get a scan result by email though I'm pretty sure there are at least a lot of PUPs on those machines (like on all of our machines).
For me it looks as if the communication back to the server somehow doesn't work right.

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Dyllon is a good person to handle this, but it sounds like those endpoints had standalone copies of Malwarebytes installed on them in the past.  The characteristic is that it cannot communicate back to the server properly.  Send the files that Dyllon requested and he will get you squared away.

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