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I was informed by customer services, that once the free trial ended for the AntiExploit product it would be included free of charge with the normal security I purchased last year.  Unfortunately it is telling me that the free trial is over and do I want to buy it. Very confused.  It also stated that if I did not want to try the free trial, it would be added automatically. How do I know if Anti Exploit has been added.

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By what you say CS seems to be suggesting that if you have MBAM then you get the full version of anti exploit free of charge, if that was the case then I think they'd publicise that more. A nice thought but tbh I can't see it being the case.
If it's true then I think we'd all like to know how to activate the full version of anti exploit.

Edited by Doctor9fan
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1 hour ago, sweetthing said:

I was informed by customer services, that once the free trial ended for the AntiExploit product it would be included free of charge with the normal security I purchased last year.  Unfortunately it is telling me that the free trial is over and do I want to buy it. Very confused.  It also stated that if I did not want to try the free trial, it would be added automatically. How do I know if Anti Exploit has been added.

Could you explain this more carefully and in more detail as to what they said?

51 minutes ago, Doctor9fan said:

By what you say CS seems to be suggesting that if you have MBAM then you get the full version of anti exploit free of charge, if that was the case then I think they'd publicise that more. A nice thought but tbh I can't see it being the case.
If it's true then I think we'd all like to know how to activate the full version of anti exploit.

Correct.  Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware and Malwarebytes' Anti-Exploit are 2 separate products.  Both have a free and a premium version.  Both have a time-limited trial whereby you can test premium functions to see if you want to use them or not.  With MBAM, once the trial expires you no longer have auto start capabilities, it becomes an on-demand scanner only.  With MBAE, it still has autostart capability, but revert to only protecting browsers and JAVA.


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  • Staff

Hello sweetthing and welcome to the Malwarebytes Forum.

Apologies for any misunderstanding this has caused.

John L.Gault is correct.

At this time Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit are two different products.

Once the premium trial for Anti-Exploit is over it should revert to the free version. You are entitled to use the free version of Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit for as long as you wish. As stated, it will still shield your browsers and Java, therefore it is a good program to have run alongside your paid version of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.


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