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Version will not install

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Malwarebytes says my program version is out of date but when I click to 'install now' it goes through all the boxes until it reaches the final box saying 'installing' and it disappears. I am attempting to install program version Premium. And no, I cannot screenshot it as the box disappears. I get no install. The database version is up to date however.

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12 hours ago, MaineHomesteader said:

I have solved the issue. Bitdefender Total Security 2016 was the problem in that one of it's modules was preventing the update. I turned everything off and all went smoothly with the install.

Thank you for the confirmation.  I have also seen 2 other cases with Bitdefender that were resolved as well by

1- turn off B D  antivirus Virus Shield

2- not going with the "upgrade prompt-message mini-window" but rather doing a direct download and save of the setup file to a saved location on disc



3 - run the setup

4 - turn B D back on

5 - insuring trust settings in both softwares  ( Bit Defender & also in M B A M)

In order for Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and Bitdefender  to work together instead of conflicting, you should  configure both applications. 
How to configure Bitdefender  to exclude Malwarebytes files -
Step 1. Open Bitdefender
Step 2. Click on "Protection"
Step 3. Click on the little white cog icon beside the "Antivirus" options
Step 4. Go to "Exclusions"
Step 5. Turn on "Exclusions for files" by pressing the dark square
Step 6. Click on "Excluded files and folders"
Step 7. Click "Add" and select "Browse"
Step 8. Navigate to 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware' or 'C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware', select desired folder and click "OK"
Step 9. Make sure that the option "Both" is checked and select "Add"
Step 10. Click "OK"
Step 11. Reboot your computer <--Very Important!
How to add your Bitdefender  folder to Malwarebytes "Malware Exclusions" list -
Step 1. Open the Malwarebytes application
Step 2. Click on "Settings"
Step 3. Click "Malware Exclusions" in the left column
Step 4. Click on "Add Folder"
Step 5. Navigate to 'C:\Program Files (x86)\'  or  'C:\Program Files\'
Step 6. Click once on "Bitdefender" folder to highlight it
Step 7. Click on "Select Folder"
Step 8. Close Malwarebytes
Step 9. Reboot your computer <--Very Important!

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