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When will you release v2.2.1?

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Hello and welcome winactive,

Mitigation steps in Pro considered sufficient? Free users not a priority? Lack of updates on the situation worrying, thanks.

Can you please explain your actual problem a bit better, as this is very vague question ..


What Operating System are you running ( XP / Win 7 {7.1} / Win 8 { 8.1} / Win 10 )


Are you unable to do updates or do you think you are infected.


Thank You.

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Hello and welcome winactive,

Can you please explain your actual problem a bit better, as this is very vague question ..


What Operating System are you running ( XP / Win 7 {7.1} / Win 8 { 8.1} / Win 10 )


Are you unable to do updates or do you think you are infected.


Thank You.


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Hi .

Sorry but that is not a complete link or url to follow ? Do you have any particular actual problem, as this is very vague question ..


What Operating System are you running ( XP / Win 7 {7.1} / Win 8 { 8.1} / Win 10 ) ??


Are you unable to do updates or do you think you are infected. ??


I am able to update but you are still vague. >>> A new version is only released after it has been fully tested.  <<<


I hope that the last line above solves your question. All that I can tell you, is that it is currently being tested  and almost ready........


Thank You

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There is nothing wrong with the link the OP posted... The link goes to Malwarebytes Security Blog to topic Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Vulnerability Disclosure.


All that we can say at the moment, being that we are not on staff is that v2.2.1 is currently being tested and will soon be released to the public.  When it is released it will be announced in Facebook, Twitter, Malwarebytes Blog, and here on the forum in the Malwarebytes News section.

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