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Trustedinstaller.exe... deleted!


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clean test machine, win 7 pro x64, no programs installed, only OS... during windows update, the Anti-Ransomware first quarantined and then during reboot deleted file trustedinstaller.exe (!!!!) I tried to Restore from quarantine but it said that it could not 'cause "file was marked to be deleted". Uninstalled Anti-Ransonmware, but after no way to install  updates or programs... windows installer module service f..ked! No way to restore OS, no way to do a sfc /scannow, no way to restore trustedinstaller file... reinstalled windows.


I hope that helps,

thank you for your work



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Hello alessandro72 and :welcome:

MBARW actually doesn't mark for delete on reboot, you simply need to reboot to restore them. -@Decrypterfixer, Developer

A system restart will correct your restore from quarantine issue if you hopefully decide to continue beta testing MBARW.


Thank you.

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Believe me or not (that's not the problem), when I tried to restore from quarantine it says it was not possible because the file was marked for deleting, and a system restart - how you say - only take me to the final choice of formatting the test machine... 

I think that is one of the most important effect of the beta testing phase, so in my opinion it would be a good idea to investigate. In my opinion, obviously.


I'll wait for the final version, and I'll try that one.


Thank you for your effort.


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You don"t have to format


just reboot and open again the dashbord of MBARW on quarantine and than you can restore the lines


when you take some time reading more topics you will see this delete on reboot is not really delete anything


fix on reboot should be a better name although in a FP there is nothing to fix it will not fix


but after the reboot you will be able te restore the lines in quarentine and all wil be fine you put the FP in excusions 

and so it wil not effect in the future anymore

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Hi, @alessandro72:


From the developer, Nathan Scott (@Decrypterfixer), at another computer forum:



As for the restore, MBARW actually doesn't delete the file, that message needs to be reworked. The system simply needs to be rebooted before restore because how the process works. Thanks!


Hope this helps & thanks for help with beta testing,

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Thank you for your answer Khadijah,


but I'm afraid you too have to really read my post... 'cause I've written I've just formatted ;) No problem at all, it was only a test machine.

Actually, the problem isn't to format or to not format, I repeat, It was only a test machine, the real problem (not a problem but a bug found in a, I know, Beta-Testing session) is that MBARW quarantined an important windows system file and the service related in a clean system!! Is it clear???.. quarantine/restore/reboot/format... is only a way to talk about other (unreal) problem. Mine was only a feedback and not a reproach for the destiny of my poor "test machine": I said "ehi... there is a big problem" not "ehi guys, you broke my pc!!!" I hope it's clear now.


Thank You all





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Please take the time to read our update post on Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware and the False Positives issues. This post also goes into detail about what to expect for BETA 3 update which will fix a lot of the reported issues. Thanks!


Dealing with FPs and preparing for beta3:

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