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Possible Bug in MBAM

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          Hello, first off, I didn't see a bug report section, so if there's one I didn't see, please move this thread, or at least notify me of the directory so I know in the future.

There is a bug with the self-protection module feature. There was a MBAM icon set on my desktop (it was a while ago, I don't remember if I accidentally did it, or if it just happened over a restart) and I was not able to delete it. It said I required Administrator permissions, even though I am already an Administrator. I tried deleting the icon though the Explorer directory too, as well as trying to from an elevated command prompt. Safe mode too through all the above attempts, still no success.

          After a bit of research, I found that several others have had the same issue, and they fixed it by disabling the self-protection module. I did so, and problem fixed itself. Is this intentional?

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Is this intentional?

Hello Fluffyvoir:

Yes! What you are describing is not a bug but a mere fraction of what MBAM's Self-Protection Module does, while enabled, during its normal operation.


Also, the current MBAM installation process will always write the mbam.exe shortcut you saw to the desktop.


If you desire to delete or modify MBAM's desktop icon, MBAM's Self-Protection Module would first need to be temporarily disabled.


Reference: Malwarebytes Anti-Malware User's Guide - Advanced Settings: Enable self-protection module


Thank you.

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Yes yardbird, that was me.


And thanks 1PW. I'd lock this thread if I could, but I'm not seeing an option to. Or at least its not obvious enough. *nudges forum Admin(s)*


I had almost the same answer in French as 1PW did. But these language CD's threw me off. 
what can I say..... ;)
Here's the whole package:  https://www.malwarebytes.org/support/guides/mbam/      Merry Christmas :)
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