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Premium with Lifetime License suddenly appeared!

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Hello All,


I first downloaded and used the Malwarebytes Free Version several years ago (from malwarebytes.org). Since then, I regularly run a scan (and update the database) - manually of course, being the free version.


Last week, when I did the 'update database', it downloaded a new version of the software too ( Nothing unusual.


But I now find I have 'Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Home (Premium)' installed, loading at start-up, running real-time protection etc etc. When I check 'license details' it mostly says 'Lifetime' but sometimes a number of days remaining (currently 305). This seems to change every time I look at it!!


It's causing major performance problems - possibly interacting with Mcafee which I also have installed? Can I deactivate the 'real-time' functions without losing it altogether?


Does anyone have any idea how / why my 'free' version has suddenly and automatically been replaced by the Premium version without my knowledge?? (I've read about Lifetime licenses being issued as an amnesty to pirated versions - but it can't be that as I only ever had the official free version).


Is this more widespread ... or just me?!


Any thoughts much appreciated.



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Hello Viv,

Yours is quite unique.   Please contact our Consumer Customer Support thru this link and provide the detail you have here.  One of our support experts will be happy to research and help you out.

Use this link to get started


Thank you.


NOTE:  Yes, you may if you absolutely want to, turn off all the Real-time protections by doing a right-click on the taskbar blue-color Malwarebytes icon and un-ticking all three top choices  ( Malware Protection, Malicious website protection, and "Start with Windows".

As to co-existing with McAfee, our software does co-exist aill just about all antivirus, including McAfee.  It only sometimes takes some adjustments in both softwares.


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Thanks for the reply Maurice.


I'll send them the info - although, having been kind enough to 'give' me the Premium version, I don't want them to take it away! :)


The only problem is the really bad performance hit it's giving me. I've turned off the real-time features, and everything's fine again now. I'd much rather have them switched on, but can't cope with the slowness.


BTW, today, my license details say I've got 364 days left!!





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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, Viv's issue isn't quite unique - exactly the same happened to me! Advice would be welcome please.

If you're getting the same performance problems that I had, turning off the Real-Time Protections (Malware Protection, Malicious website protection, and "Start with Windows") at least solved that aspect of it for me.

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Hi, RosiD:

Hi Viv, Weirdly, the real-time protections turned themselves off yesterday (or maybe Malwarebytes did it for me?!) and my computer crawled almost to a stop after that. Now seems OK again though...

Please read the following and attach to your next reply the 3 requested logs - Diagnostic Logs (the 3 logs are: FRST.txt, Addition.txt and CheckResults.txt)


The QA Team members may not be back here at the forum until Monday.

But the logs will help us to begin to sort out your issues.

Depending on what the logs show, the forum moderator team *may* split off your posts to your own, separate forum thread.

That will help us to better provide individual, customized assistance both to you and to @Vivvy18, who is the Topic Starter for this thread.


Thank you,

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