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No Scan Record

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I have MB Free (on my Win7) and ran full scan that took 1:45 hours. I looked in History and I did not see Scan record, only Protection.

I then ran another scan thinking I might have done something incorrectly, and same result. No Scan record.

Why am I not seeing the Scan record in History?

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  • Root Admin

Please follow the directions below which should either get you fixed or give us further information to help track down what's going on.


Thank You


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I uninstalled MB  Free (again) and reinstalled (again) and still DO NOT see the Scan Report in the History area. (Win7)
I must say I am not pleased at all with all the time I have wasted with this new version of MB. Uninstalling, reinstalling, running scans, fixes, report results, etc.
I have been using MB on all my computers (WinXP, Vista and Win7)  since it was released (2008? I thought it was earlier), and have never had as many problems as I have been having with this 'new' MB. (I was always glad to have the use of this free version for I am retired and living on a fixed income and can't afford the price of the paid programs.)
Just thought I would share my feelings with you. But then again, I might be the only one who is not happy with the new version(s).

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bobz assuming you followed the process that AdvancedSetup recommended above in post # 2 to re-install Malwarebytes using the steps outlined in the  MBAM Clean Removal Process 2x


If that did not correct your issue you need to post the requested logs as mentioned in step #2 ... If that does not correct the issue then please read the following and post back the requested logs. - Diagnostic Logs

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I did run the Uninstall program. I am in my 80s and running all these logs is so very confusing to me and taking so much time. I never had these problems before as I mentioned.

Now I've got to figure out how to download the files mentioned, save them and attach to this memo. So time consuming. I surprised no one else had this same problem. I was always seeing the Scan Report and then it just stopped showing in the History area.

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I tried to edit my previous post but couldn't see how to do that. I ran a Threat scan on my Win 7 and Vista and NO scan log showing in History area of either PC. I am now running another Full scan on the Vista to see if the Scan log will show in History (or it will not show as is happening with my Win7).

I am tired now.

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  • Root Admin

How to get scan logs:
(Export log to save as a txt file for posting in the forum when requested)

Open MBAM, then:

  • Click on the HISTORY tab
  • Click on APPLICATION LOGS button
  • Double-click on the scan log which shows the date and time of the scan just performed (or the one you are asked to post).
  • Click EXPORT.
  • Click TEXT FILE (*.txt)
  • In the "Save File" dialog box which appears, click on DESKTOP.
  • In the FILE NAME box, type a name for your scan log.
  • Click the "Save" button.
  • A message box named "File Saved" should appear, stating that "Your file has been successfully exported".
  • Click OK.


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What I've been saying from my first post is that I DO NOT see a Scan log in the History/Applications area. I only see the Protection.

I am asking why I DO NOT see a Scan Log in the History on both my Win7 AND Vista?

Has anyone else run a Scan and have not been able to see a scan log?

(I am really spending a lot of time on this!)

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  • Root Admin

You will probably have to scroll down to see the scan log.

The default location for these files is in this folder

C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\Logs

By default they are .xml files. If you performed a scan right now the log file would look something like this: "mbam-log-2015-05-20 (13-27-45).xml"

We have millions of users and I'm not aware of anyone else reporting that when they scan the log file is not there.

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Here is History from my Vista, on which I ran  Full Scan yesterday. Last Scan log showing is May 6th, even though I ran other Full Scans since then.

I see the same thing on my Win7 (no Full Scan logs), even though I uninstalled and reinstalled MB yesterday.







I just ran a Full Scan on my WinXP and it does show the Scan Log in History.


I don't understand why Scan log is not showing after May 6th on both the Win7 and Vista computers?

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  • Root Admin

It's possible that you changed the location where files are saved but if you used the MBAM CLEAN tool to do the removal then it would remove that custom setting as well and ALL your previous logs. The fact that your previous logs were not removed we know that you did not use the MBAM CLEAN removal tool as requested. Please use the removal tool and it should fix this issue for you.


Please follow the advice posted here to remove and then reinstall the latest version. This will remove all logs and all settings of the program and put it back to defaults.





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Would you delete my previous post with all the information posted on it? My son said I should not show all of that information in my post.

When you do delete my previous message, I will then attach the three files to my next post.

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  • Root Admin

I can delete it but it''s really not that critical of information. Don't see anything really personal there. However the logs do show that you do have what appears to probably be some infections that you'll need further help removing. Maybe your Son can help do this part for you.


I would suggest following the advice from the topic here Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers and having one of the Experts assist you with looking into your issue.


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My son has already left. I went to that page and it all seems very complicated for me. Both my Win7 and Vista are working fine. The only thing that I questioned was the MalwareByters Scan Logs not appearing in either one the Win7 or the Vista.since May 6th.

Think I will leave everything "as is."

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I just looked at History Settings and put a check mark in Scan Log Options EXPORT LOG OPTIONS (which was not checked before).

And now my Scan Log does not appear.

I'm surprised no one mentioned this before as a solution.

So much wasted time.

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