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Need help!! How do I clean up cat pee to remove smell?


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to Stadrappy:

I would recommend using Baking Soda Powder. That is, if the urine is fresh. If fresh, what I would do is blot up as much as possible, wet it with water, blot/rub again, make sure its pretty dry, and then dust with a small layer of baking soda. Wait maybe 10 minutes or so and then vaccuum it up! I've never used this for cat messes, but I have used it on the hardwood floor for dog messes (solid and liquid).

If its an old odor/incident, I am not sure. Like AdvancedSetup said, your local pet store should be able to help you find a product to help :huh:

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Stay away from powder! As I posted somewhere, my wife dropped a bottle of body powder 5 ft. away from where my notebook sits. I had to take the notebook apart. A few times. Most of the powder collected in the fan area. Blocked the exit grill where the fan exits the hot air. :huh:

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Ekk! I never thought of that. The places I have used it it wasn't anywhere near a computer or something else that has a fan or could easily collect dust, and I always kept an eye on it.

Guess its a personal choice :huh:

Sorry about your powder experience with your computer. :) That stinks. Is it working okay now?

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Cigarette smoke is bad for pc towers, leaves a thin flim oil type residue. Thats how my wife killed her "A" drive and had trouble with her CD/DVD.... All the DVD players in this house are dead from dust & smoke. She smokes so much I had to remove the smoke alarms :huh:

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