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Malwarebytes.org security certificate error

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Mods/administrators: I wasn't sure exactly where to post this, so please feel free to move this to a more appropriate forum if necessary.


My issue:


I'm having trouble updating my free version of Malwarebytes (an issue that I will soon be creating a separate post for, as I figured it's probably best not to combine two different issues in one post). After I tried unsuccessfully to troubleshoot the problem myself, I decided to come here for help, so I typed "Malwarebytes Forum" into Google, which then brought up your website. However, as soon as I clicked the link for your site, my web browser warned me that a problem exists with your site's security certificate and advised me not to proceed. (A screenshot is attached showing the error message that I received.)


Suspecting that the warning was simply a false positive of some sort, I proceeded anyway — so here I am.


However, now that I'm actually here, I see that the adress bar on Internet Explorer is also showing a certificate error associated with your site. (A screenshot of this is attached as well.)


I spend a lot of time on the Internet, visiting scores of different sites, and I rarely come across this type of warning, so I know that my browser does not have a habit of throwing up warnings like this regularly.


I'm very surprised to see such an issue with your website. What's going on?


Thank you.

MBAM website warning.bmp

Malwarebytes Certificate Error.bmp

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Just to add to what David has suggested.... in reference to Iobit...

The company behind this product was found to be stealing Malwarebytes database.

Personally I would not trust installing any software from a company that resorts to stealing someone's technology to sell their product.

Please see the following links and make up your own mind if you want to keep this on your system. If needed we can help you remove it.

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