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mbar BETA scan error

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Original problem: it seemed like my computer had a virus of some sort (fake anti-virus websites ALWAYS opening and trying to download things when I was browsing the internet), but no hits with MBAM scans or AVG scans.  


Step 1: I read the blog and thought the Powelicks post sounded like my problem, so I downloaded MBAR BETA.  Extraction went fine, but when I tried to run the tool, I immediately got a message asking me about a specific .dll file.  The message (from MBAR) said it was probably a rootkit causing the particular .dll file (which I did not take a screenshot of or write down).  The message box gave me a Yes or No option to remove that file immediately.  The message went on to say that if I wasn't sure, I should press "No", but that if MBAR crashed or was unable to scan, to close and restart the tool, and select "Yes" the next time.  I pressed "No", the scanner crashed, and I restarted it, got the same message, and selected "Yes".  


Step 2: I tried to run the MBAR scan and get the attached error message.


What should I do next?



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  • 2 weeks later...

OK, so I exit-ed mbam from the tray, and tried the application again and it worked fine.  The MBAR scan did not find anything.  


Here is what happens:


1) When surfing the internet - even clicking on the 'forums' link on the mbam page - fake links open to spam websites.  Often I have to click on a link two or three times before the link will work as intended.  When it is going to redirect to a spam site an 'arrow' clicker will be present.  When the link is going to work as directed a 'hand' clicker will be present.  There doesn't seem to be any way to get the 'hand' without clicking the arrow a few times and just closing the fake/spam website tabs that open.


2) Certain websites won't open or display correctly.  Facebook is almost always affected.  Google and gmail are never affected.


3) We have 6 devices that access the internet.  Two laptop computers are infected, but the desktop computer (that I just remembered is hard-wired to our internet - everything else accesses via wireless card) is not infected at all.  Both iPhones are infected.  And the blu-ray/DVD player is infected.  


When this first started (back in May) it was only on one of the laptops.  We took it to a local computer-medic, and the 'symptoms' were much better, but never completely went away, and now in the last month everything (except the one computer) appears to be infected or under attack. 


What is going on?  And more importantly, what do I do about it??? (Just to clarify, mbam, mbar, and avg scans 'find' nothing.)


Thanks in advance for your help troubleshooting this!  


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello and Welcome to Malwarebytes

Being that you are probably infected, feel free to follow the instructions below to receive free, one-on-one expert assistance in checking your system and clearing out any infections and correcting any damage done by the malware.

Please see the following pinned topic which has information on how to get help with this: Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers

Thank you

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Thanks!  I will definitely follow the advise above if I have any more recurrences.  In the meantime I took three steps to correct the problem, and it seems to be gone.  I took all three steps at about the same time though, so I'm really not sure which one worked.  


1) I edited my 'host' file to block the website that seemed responsible for most of the redirects and virus download attempts.  (It was not a website I had ever tried to access; it was one that would open spontaneously in a new tab and cause problems.)


2) I changed my internet settings to enable use of SSL 2.0  (I read on a site somewhere that this could help with eliminating website redirects.)


3) I reset my modem by holding down on the reset button for 30 sec.  I then set up the wireless again using my wireless providers recommended settings and a new password (their recommended settings had changed since the wireless had originally been set up).


All of the symptoms we were experiencing on the laptops, ipones, and even the bluray dvd device have disappeared!  

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