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Terminate program when no threats are found

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Can someone explain the setting "Terminate program when no threats are found"?  I'm pretty sure the default is to have it unchecked yet I saw a post where it was recommended to check it.

I run a scheduled Threat scan daily and have it unchecked.  What would change if I checked it?

Also I saw someone say they get a popup notification when a scan is run and no threats are found.  I get no notifications after my daily scan runs even though it finds nothing.  Notifications are enabled and I do get others such as "Database Out of Date".

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Also I saw someone say they get a popup notification when a scan is run and no threats are found.

I would guess that the user must be running MBAM 1.x.


I get no notifications after my daily scan runs even though it finds nothing.  Notifications are enabled and I do get others such as "Database Out of Date".

That is correct.
Scheduled scans in MBAM 2 that are clean are "silent".
There is no scanner window popup, and there is no post-scan popup notification UNLESS the scan detects something.

The scan WILL be logged and the log can be located here: Dashboard > History > Application Logs.



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I think it might be a leftover, redundant setting from version 1?

Or perhaps it applies to manual scans, where the GUI/scanner window is open during the scan?


I haven't played around with it on my systems.

But it is disabled on my boxes with no apparent effect.

(Having said that, I've never had so much as a PUP on any of my computers, so I don't know how the program would behave if it were enabled AND if there were a detection.)


We'll need to wait for a staff member or more expert forum member to explain that one.



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Just to add to the excellent help that daledoc1 above has provided...

"Terminate program when no threats are found" is found on both version 1 and version 2. It is a setting when seceduling an automatic scan. Basically what it does is this: When the scheduled scan is run, if no items are detected it closes out the GUI so you do not have to click the red X or close out the GUI after the scan. In version 1.x when a scheduled scan happened it would bring up the GUI and then stay open after the scan and the user had to close out the program. In version 2.x the scans are done in the background silently...


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Hi, Firefox:

In version 2.x the scans are done in the background silently...

Right. :)

So, why is there a setting to "terminate program when no threats are found" in version 2?

If a clean scheduled scan runs silently in the background, then what is there to "terminate" when it finishes?

For example, whether I enable or disable that feature, it seems to make no difference.

The GUI is not open during my scheduled scan, so there is nothing to terminate.

(In fact, with neither an animated system tray icon nor a scan log window (as there was in version 1), the user really has no idea that a scheduled scan has run or is running, unless one checks the logs.)


I guess I am showing my old age or my Geritol titer is too low today, because I've never understood the point of that feature in 2.0. :unsure::rolleyes:


Crawling back under my rock now, :D

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