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Malwarebytes will not update nor scan

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Hello all,

First time on the forum but a long time user of Malwarebytes for all of my clients.

One of my clients has Malwarebytes on her Vista x64 machine.

Whenever we go to update or scan it comes back and states that Malwarebyte Antimalware program has stopped working.  Malwarbytes completely closes out (even in the system tray).

I have done the following:

1)  Clean uninstall of Malwarebytes

2)  Install Superantispyware, updated and ran to see if there were any malware programs.  There were none...clean as a whistle.

3)  Ran tdsskiller to see if there was anything.  Nothing

4)  Ran Microsoft Security Essentials to see if there was anything from that...nothing

5)  Reinstalled Malwarebytes and licensed it.

6)  Tried to do an update or a scan and get the same error.

7)  Ran Malwarebytes Chameleon (first option) (which takes a LONG time) and after 15 minutes it comes up with the same error and closes out.


What do you want me to do next.  Since this is a client I cannot sit there for hours and charge her to fix this.  I really don't want to eat the cost of sitting there to fix Malwarebytes since Superantispyware seems to run with no problems.

I am to go over first thing Tuesday morning to fix this.

Some type of help would be nice.


Kelly W.

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Hello and :welcome::


A couple of things:

Since your post suggests that you are a business or computer repair technician, your MBAM Business License entitles you to free, one-on-one support from the Business support team.  They can be contacted here: Contact Corporate Support. :)


You mentioned that you had tried a reinstall, but it's not clear if you used the mbam-clean removal tool, or if you tried upgrading to the current build (

So, that might be worth a try, as explained here:


If the clean reinstall/upgrade doesn't resolve the issue, then please post back with the requested diagnostic logs.


OTOH, if you think the box is infected, that could be preventing a proper install.

If that's the case, then one-on-one malware assistance is provided in another, dedicated area of the forum.

I suggest that you please follow the advice in this pinned topic: Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers.A

A malware expert will assist you with looking into your issue.



Thank You,

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Yes I did use the mbam removal tool (clean uninstall - #1 of my post).

I will do that again, though I seriously doubt it will work.

Kind of looks like the post you sent is the standard post to try if this happens.  I did do everything stated except send the diagnostic logs.  Also you mentioned that if the computer is infected it will not install Malwarebytes.  The issue is not on installation, it is on updating or running a scan.

I highly doubt that the computer is infected since SuperAntispyware, Microsoft Security Essentials, and tdsskiller find nothing.

Looks like a bad issue with the current version of Malwarebytes.

Not very happy with this canned response.


Kelly W.

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kwilke sorry your having issues....

Although it may seem as a canned reply, it was edited to meet your specific needs. This reply does help most users.

That being said, if you post your logs, we can review them and see what may be causing your issues.


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Hello and Welcome Back

Those logs show signs of an infection or previous infection, therefore will require working with our experts.

Being that you are probably infected, feel free to follow the instructions below to receive free, one-on-one expert assistance in checking your system and clearing out any infections and correcting any damage done by the malware.

Please see the following pinned topic which has information on how to get help with this: Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers

Thank you

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Hi, and :welcome: , Thorswind:

I have this exact problem will not let me scan or update, only difference is that I'm using Win 7 64 bit.

Sorry to hear you are having issues.
Each computer is unique.
Problems that sound "the same" most often are not.
The same is true for solutions.
They most often need to be individualized.

It is less confusing for everyone if we try to stick to "one user per topic".
Please start a NEW, SEPARATE topic using the cjfj.png button.
The staff and experts will be able to more easily provide both you and the OP with individual help to get you both up and running.

Thanks for your patience and understanding,

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I highly doubt that this PC is infected.  There was a prior infection over 6 months ago, but Malwarebytes and combofix supposedly cleaned it.

In the past week here is what I have run since Malwarebytes will not scan:

1)  tdsskiller - came up clean

2)  superantispyware - came up clean

3)  Malwarebytes Anti rootkit with the latest database - came up clean

4)  combofix dated 05/27/2014 - came up clean

5)  Microsoft Security Essentials - came up clean

If this machine was infected ONE of these would have showed something.

Will follow the advice for the possible infection, but I pretty much have.

Any other help would be greatly appreciated.


Kelly W.

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Running powerful tools without properly being trained can be dangerous. If you do not know how to properly read the logs, and know what to remove you can make your system unbootable.

That being said, You still have leftovers that need to be dealt with and we can not deal with then in this section of the forum, therefore you still need to follow my instructions I posted in #8 above.

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  • Staff

Can i get a copy of the net.conf from your machine?


net.conf                                    File Size: 6071      BYTES    FileVersion:  N/A            MD5: [74515f5594b26dcde7bf5696172781cb]



C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\Configuration


Its located in the above folder. Please zip it and attach it here.

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