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suspicious Java update

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A website I go to regularly (www.pogo.com) indicated that my Java needed to be updated.  I went to Oracle's website, selected download Java for consumers, I ran the verify Java tool, and it says a newer version is available (see screenshot). I downloaded it and uring installation it tells me to turn off MBAM and MBAM AEand a couple other things in order to install (see 2nd screenshot). I have never seen this message before and am suspicious of a program wanting me to disable my protections. 


Thoughts? And thanks in advance for the help.


My system: Asus ROG G750 laptop with Win 7 Pro (fully updated) on SSD, data and programs on HDD, MBAM Premium with active protection and MBAM Anti exploit, and MSE actively protecting also. I use Firefox, latest version with Classic Theme Restorer, also use CCleaner to manage add-ons, BHO's and to minimize other startup programs.


No issues detected in any scans.



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  • Root Admin

Glad we could help. :)

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