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MABM has turned 1.75... into nagware,

2.0what ever has had a poor upgrade for 1.75...Pro users in 2.0...short lifespan,

Turning 1.75.. into Nagware is not only an insult to that injury it makes No practical sense for a business to do to customers that made mabm where it is today or at least where it was a month in a half or so ago = Popular and flawless,


Does this leave another bad taste = Yes


A very poor new business model IMHO,

I have 3 pro licenses and two 2 year extended download contracts for version 1.75... that don't expire until 11/13/14, 

Which mabm is about to be Breach.


Where is the Refund line ?

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Malwarebytes has not turned version 1.75 into nagware as you put it. The only reason you are getting notifications to upgrade is because YOU have that option enabled to notify you of program updates. Nothing to do with Malwarebytes, I do not know how long you have been using Malwarebytes but in version 1.x it has always notified you of program updates unless you uncheck that feature.


Also Malwarebytes v1x that you bought is a lifetime license and it will not expire. As for your extended download, well IMHO you don't need it because you can always go to the main site and download the latest version and use the same ID and KEY to activate it.


As for your refund, contact support...

To Stay on v1.75 see below....

To prolong the automatic major update of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (PRO) to Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (Premium), please follow these instructions:

Note well: Though the Lifetime license has been written about ad nauseam, eventually Malwarebytes Anti-Malware v1.75 support will not be practical and database updates will no longer be served.

  • Open the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware user interface (UI).
  • Single left-click Settings.
  • Single left-click Updater Settings.
  • Un-tick:
    • Download and install program update if available.
    • Notify me when a program update is ready for installation.
  • Close the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware user interface.
Please refer to the attachment below.


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Sense you don't work for mabm your opinion really is not what I'm interested in as far as the extended download goes,

It activates the products I bought,

And yes I wouldn't say Pro unless it was Pro licenses I was referring to and owned,


If definitions are updated as usual then it's all good,

But if unchecking program updates effects definition updates that's bad and unacceptable,


If definitions are not automatically updated for 1.75... then we have any other conflict in pro vs free version not that there is a 1.75.. free version but as far as pro 1.75.. there's a big difference,


Yes I found those settings yesterday morning when the popup upgrade nags began,

I do not use scheduled scanning,


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But if unchecking program updates effects definition updates that's bad and unacceptable,


No, it has no impact.


I, too, prefer control of my program updates for all my software.

I have always used my MBAM 1.75 (and previous) PRO versions with scheduled, automatic DATABASE updates enabled, and scheduled, automatic PROGRAM updates completely disabled.

With version 1.75, they are separate.


As for extended download, that is merely a marketing tool of the e-commerce partners used by many software vendors.  An occasional user prefers a "private", direct d/l link for software and it's a bit of a holdover from the days of software on media.  These days, it's largely superfluous and unnecessary, as all software vendors provide current download links to their most updated builds.  As long as you have your lifetime license ID/key information, that's all you would need to activate a new install or upgrade of the program from a fresh download.


Thank you,



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Sense you don't work for mabm your opinion really is not what I'm interested in as far as the extended download goes,

It activates the products I bought,

And yes I wouldn't say Pro unless it was Pro licenses I was referring to and owned,

It really does not matter if I work for Malwarebytes or not, my statement is a Fact. Once you have your ID and KEY it can be used on any download from Malwarebytes including version 2 to activate the Malwarebytes product. Its not the extended download that activates your product....

Unchecking the Program Updates does not affect definition updates so your good there. Also every version of Malwarebytes Antimalware has a paid for version (Pro or Premium) and a Free version of the it, the only difference is the paid for version has more options, like scheduled scanning and updates for example. Both the paid for version and the free version removes infections the same way without any limits.

Glad you found the settings. If you are not doing scheduled scanning that's totally up to you, but that is one of the features you paid for and it really is a waste of our money no to use that feature. But again that's totally up to you.

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Well the marketing ploy came directly from mabm as an option,

I do not download anything except from the developers site,

I really didn't have an issue with supporting mabm still don't but this rollout has been less than ideal = I'm on hold = one of the holdouts awaiting a real stable version and upgrading process,

Which did fail in my case/ activation issue,

Used mabm clean....... to get back to 1.75...


Still though I do not like 2.0.... the adds or links to articles are Unnecessary and should be removed from the scanner display,

If mabm what's to shows these items leave them on the free version but premium/ pro upgraders should not see them even for a second,


Even these little links take up resources which a scanner should do nothing else but update and scan on command or schedule, 


With real time protection scheduled scanning is redundant and can be narrowed to every couple of weeks or monthly for that matter the task is not brain surgery ;)

It's what I've always done I'm the only one who knows when a scan is necessary and I do not use my machine while it runs so time wise is also my picking,

All scanners work best when the machine is not in use and I don't leave it running all night so sleep is disabled there is no need to wake anything,


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OK. :)


Just to be clear -- optional extended downloads are offered by the e-commerce partner, cleverbridge, just like the optional CD/media versions of the program.

These are optional, to provide consumers with a range of choices.

With licensed software these days -- such as the (now legacy) lifetime consumer licenses  of MBAM PRO/Premium or even the new, subscription-based licenses -- the user really only needs his/her license ID/key information (sent via email at the time of purchase) to activate the PRO/Premium features from a download from the official site.

That's all there is to it. 

The important thing to remember is to keep handy and safe one's user ID/key (in case software reinstallation or transfer to a new or different computer is ever needed), and to only activate a 1-PC, consumer lifetime license on 1 PC at a time.


FWIW many others have expressed similar feedback about the new UI.  There have already been several revisions.  Only the staff and dev team can provide official updates about other tweaks that may be planned for future releases. 


Thank you,



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Yes the UI is predictable win-8 touch screen/ pad rubbish :D

I do wish just once programs would recognize when touch interface is not available and those resources are also a wasted on it,

My issue is I have allot of graphics programs that take up every resource so all is precious,

So scheduling something is not predictable,


Besides these little article links are really for the most part unnecessary rubbish that should be exclusive to the free products,

Most people would minimize the scanner anyway so what real purpose do they serve,


If it's another money maker... paid advertisements for mabm again they should be thrown at the free version users Only.

Where they will for the most part be ignored and minimized,



mabm wants feedback well all they have to do is read it I guess ?

little of everything here.

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