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  • 2 weeks later...

What one says or what one writes is the important concept here, NOT what one "means". 


That gets back to HOW and WHAT one writes in a Forum.  One must write what they mean and express it as best they can such that the reader comprehends the message.

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i meant if you were to search for it in google play like the screenshot below they changed the name to seach for it by to "malwarebytes anti malware" like the pc not "Malwarebytes anti malware mobile" i know its mobile and referenced as mobile everywhere else but not if you search by typing it into google play... ;)

Hi Ronnie,

To clear up any confusion up, Malwarebytes is the company name. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium, Malwarebytes Secure Backup, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Mobile, etc. are product names. We avoid calling anything Malwarebytes since all our products carry the company name also.


If you search "Malwarebytes" in the Google Play store, our two Android apps will listed (MBAM Mobile and Malwarebytes Secure Backup).



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