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Recommended Anti-Spyware?


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Hello everyone,

Right now I'm looking for a decent anti-spyware to replace my current one.

I use Spyware Doctor 5.x, and keep it open for the real-time protection. And it obviously slows the computer down because of

all the resources that SD uses.

Yes, I'm willing to pay for it too.

What would be ideal: Real-time protection available, low resource usage, good detection.

All suggestions are greatly appreciated. ;)



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So far I have found AVG-AntiSpyware to be one of the best ones out there.

Also, we are currently working on one ourselves, although it is far from complete yet. =)

Thanks for the reply Rubber Ducky. Will try.

Excited for the release of your guys' anti-spyware ;)



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  • 4 weeks later...

Well..for on demand, SUPERAntiSpyware seems to be highly recommended by most of the security sites. For antispyware, I use Spyware Terminator, which has partial HIPS and a real time shield...for free...Haven't gotten a single spyware since I installed it (I can verify this, of course...I do occasional checks with many programs, including CounterSpy's online scan, etc.)

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I didn't recommend it as a remover...Just as a realtime protection app...Thats why I said SUPERAntiSpyware at the same time for removing...

It was former rogue, but not because it made false positives or used deceptive advertising, etc...but because it was made by a company with a bad reputation....It never actually harmed the user in any way, which was why it eventually was taken off...

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I didn't recommend it as a remover...Just as a realtime protection app...Thats why I said SUPERAntiSpyware at the same time for removing...

It was former rogue, but not because it made false positives or used deceptive advertising, etc...but because it was made by a company with a bad reputation....It never actually harmed the user in any way, which was why it eventually was taken off...

I should have left out the word removal in my post and just said it is not a desirable program, period. Most definitely not for realtime protection. That is when you want something that is known to work and do it's job. Spyware Terminator hasn't got this reputation at all.

Don't take my comments personally adchia they are not aimed at you and you are certainly entitled to your opinion.

@Xenophope CounterSpy is good and I have been running Prevx1 on my laptop, sense I won a copy in the CastleCops Anniversay contest, I find it to be impressive also.

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I second Jean here. Why should you want to trust a company and product with a chequered and hazy history when there are free and reputable programs available. Just make a choice between Ad-aware, AVG Anti-Spyware, SpyBot, and SuperAntiSpyware (alphabetically mentioned) and take two to feel even more secure.

And why would you need real time protection for spyware? It is always the user who wants a free program, wallpaper, smileys, p2p-program and winds up with spyware. That behavior is marketly different from that of virusses, worms, trojans, etc. because they invade your system without you knowing it (you just opened an attachment in your e-mail). What I would suggest is SiteAdvisor and just visit 'green' sites.

For the rest... Just follow these instructions.

@Xenophope: yup, CounterSpy is a very good program if you want to spend some money. I have no problems with that choice

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As does Spyware Terminator ;)

Meh...I guess you're right on that one should PROBABLY use something that is known to work, but the top apps (including Spyware Doctor, SpySweeper, CounterSpy) are either very slow (not CounterSpy, last time I used it), or is noticeable at startup (that includes CounterSpy), or has some querk that just doesn't let me use it....

I can't even notice ST when it loads because it does so in less than a second....Of course, you can argue that CounterSpy has better detection/protection...meh...As long as I don't get malware, I don't care what app I use.

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CounterSpy has had some problems with causing major crashes of systems and it takes an hour to run a scan. I don't know how you can say you don't have any malware though when your using a program that could very well be missing stuff. ;)

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Well..Can I say it if I do scans with CounterSpy's Online Scan (I think it uses the same definitions as CounterSpy itself), Spyware Doctor (this is sort of valid....v4.1 trial...but definitions aren't the latest ones..thats for registered.), SUPERAntiSpyware, AVG AntiSpyware, AntiVir every month?


I don't rely on ST very much as a detector...Its protection includes some HIPS that prompts me on all executables that run, which actually does help...Added on with use of Opera usually (except on occasions like scanning with CounterSpy's online scan/Windows Update) and safe browsing, I think I'm set.

Although I say that i scan every month, this applies when I don't have a very busy schedule...But in those cases, I don't even use the internet very often so..

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Then again, who really does know that they are clean? These are all definition based so if some malware just isn't detected, who knows, I may just have malware! ;)

Very true, and then we can go down the false positive trail. LMAO all sorts of things you don't have but are told you do. That reminds me I must submit a file for scanning to a few places. VirusBlokAda32 said I had a trojan! Supposedly in my Firefox cache. I want to know if this is for real.

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I'm actually becoming less and less reliant on definitions and leaning more towards HIPS...Once Comodo Firewall v3 comes out, I think I'll have that and deal with the HIPS prompts instead (although Comodo says that they will finally show their actual whitelist, which supposedly covers much much more than the current Comodo Firewall's whitelist)...Seems to be more effective for me...

Malware is just advancing so quickly...The more I'm exposed to malware, the more I realize is actually out there..Overall, I guess its just the user...like fredvries said...

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  • 3 months later...

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