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Windows Defender and Malwarebytes Pro


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There is no Windows 9.  The next version is Windows 8.2.


If one is to protect one's PC and that is any flavour of Windows (WinXP --> Win8.x), one should have a fully installed Anti Virus application and Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware running with Windows Defender disabled.

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in addition to what david mentioned ...

it appears that windows has farmed out MSE to *someone* and it is a "back burner" item to M$ .

the best bet is to use another AV entirely in addition to/along side of malwarebytes .

(no endorsements of any AV product ... SOP)


it would seem that W9 is in the works but it will be some time before that new flavor of windows is rolled out .

there has been a "changing of the guard" at M$ (as it were) and a new guy is heading up the development of W9 ...

and he knows he has two rabbits to pull out of the hat (the windows phone OS side is the other) and his head is on the chopping block .

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There is no Windows 9.  The next version is Windows 8.2.


If one is to protect one's PC and that is any flavour of Windows (WinXP --> Win8.x), one should have a fully installed Anti Virus application and Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware running with Windows Defender disabled.

Can't you tell that I meant to write Windows 8!

In fact, I am running Windows 8.1. I am happy with Windows Defender for anti-virus protection and am now also running MalwareBytes Pro real-time protection for malware protection. The two apps seem to coexist peacefully. I startled using MB when I had Conduit and Scorpion infections.

PS. I first tried to use McAfee for anti-virus protection. It came with my system but I found it too intrusive with my emails, calling good emails spam. I use Gmail and it already does an excellent job at segregating spam, better than anything I have ever used in the past.

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I don't use Windows 8.x or Windows Defender/MSE, so if you're happy with it, then that's fine. :)

They should run together fine.

We all have different security needs and preferences. :)

Moreover, I just a home user, not an expert or geek.


There are, however, numerous recent reports confirming that even MS admits that MSE/Defender is an inadequate AV:







IMHO there are probably better anti-virus apps out there, both Free and Paid.


<just sayin'>





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