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Am I just being paranoid or is this guy out to get me?


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HI, I am studying computer science at uni and to make a long story short one of the students is a psycho. For one example about 3 months ago he started threating to stab me, eat me, and kill my family because I spilled his drink, he was not joking he was serious. I have had other "episodes" with him in the past. I told the uni and they said they had warned him, and the police said there was nothing they could without evidence. I have not had any more trouble with him, in fact that is what made me kinda suspicious. And every time I see him he gives me an evil look.


He has been studying for 4 years and he knows a lot more about coding then I do. When we do our coding assignments we use usb flash drives to transfer our c++ files from our home PC's and laptops to the uni's Computer.


So I got to thinking what if he writes malware that infects my usb flash stick and then infects my PC where he will do nasty things? Like wiretap the mic and watch the webcam?


This worried me a bit but I didn't think to much about it until I switched from bitdefender to AVG, and I ran a full scan and it detected a trojan horse.


The PC that is infected is only 2 months old and ONLY used for school work, in fact the entire web browsing history is still there, I only visited google.com, avg.com, wikipedia.org and microsoft.com. That is it, no email, no facebook, nothing. Only the sites I listed is what I visited. I swear.


That leaves the only possible way to have been infected is from the usb stick, am I right? If it was from the usb stick, that means that I was infected by a worm that spread around the uni's network and then infected me (which no one else has said anything about) or he simply targeted me, which explains why no one else has gotten this malware.


So what do you guys think? I am being paranoid? Or did he write this bit of malware and use it on just me?

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Hello and welcome, ilikedogsFTW:


You wrote:

HI, I am studying computer science at uni and to make a long story short one of the students is a psycho. For one example about 3 months ago he started threating to stab me, eat me, and kill my family

This sounds like a matter for law enforcement and possibly mental health professionals.
As for your computer, if you think you might be infected and would like expert help scanning your computer for possible malware, I would suggest that you please follow the recommendations in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.
A malware expert will guide you through the scanning and cleanup process.



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Hello and welcome, ilikedogsFTW:



You wrote:


This sounds like a matter for law enforcement and possibly mental health professionals.


As for your computer, if you think you might be infected and would like expert help scanning your computer for possible malware, I would suggest that you please follow the recommendations in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.

A malware expert will guide you through the scanning and cleanup process.



Well I already filled a report with the police and they said try and record another one of his episodes. But other then that they basically said there was nothing they could do. The uni didn't really care and I never have any witnesses because he only does it when I am alone. He acts normal in front of everyone else.


I have already done the typical malware scan, etc. I just think that the way he is now all of a sudden leaving me alone makes me think he is up to something nefarious. I am thinking about getting a network sniffer and looking for weird traffic, any tips on that?

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I have already done the typical malware scan, etc.


Not sure what you mean by that? :)


The malware experts over in the malware removal section of the forum will have some additional powerful tools.

They will provide free, one-on-one help with checking your system.

But it's up to you.


As for "network sniffers", I'll need to defer to the staff and more expert forum members. :)


Best regards,



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Not sure what you mean by that?

I mean I scanned with the typical "over the counter" software like avg, etc. It's just if he made his own custom made malware and only deployed it on me (and maybe a couple of other victims he messes with) I doubt a scan would detect it because it is lacking the signatures.



The malware experts over in the malware removal section of the forum will have some additional powerful tools.

They will provide free, one-on-one help with checking your system.

But it's up to you.

I might try that, an extra pair of eyes couldn't hurt.



As for "network sniffers", I'll need to defer to the staff and more expert forum members.

Alright and do you know if they ever drop by the general chat? and thanks for your help. :)

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Yes, other forum members will be around, I'm sure.

(However, it is a long holiday weekend in the U.S., where many folks are based.  So, forum traffic may be a bit lighter than usual. Please be patient waiting for a reply.)


In the interim, I would suggest that you please start with the recommendations in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.

EDIT: I see that you started a post in the malware removal section >>HERE<< (but it appears that you didn't follow the instructions to post the requested DDS logs?). :(

Please stay with that topic until your malware helper gives you the "all clear".


And, as mentioned, if the individual has made threats to harm you, I would suggest once again that you contact the appropriate law enforcement authorities.


Best regards,



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Yes, other forum members will be around, I'm sure.

(However, it is a long holiday weekend in the U.S., where many folks are based.  So, forum traffic may be a bit lighter than usual. Please be patient waiting for a reply.)


In the interim, I would suggest that you please start with the recommendations in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.


And, as mentioned, if the individual has made threats to harm you, I would suggest once again that you contact the appropriate law enforcement authorities.


Best regards,



Yep, I am actually in the us visiting family at the moment we got our finals early.


I will try that and thanks for your help. :)

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"That leaves the only possible way to have been infected is from the usb stick, am I right?"

in a nutshell ; "no" .


there can be some code written that sneaks by the current detection rules/data base of the AV/AM .

this can happen before the discovery of the code by the AV/AM company and the writing/dissemination of freshly written detection rules .

not all AVs/AMs detect all the codes equally ... what one misses another might pick up .


there are infections that are called "drive-by" ... you pick them up because you visit a sit that has (or could have) the code "injected" into the data stream (basically speaking) .

there are a few other specific ways of being infected by means of "just surfing" .


also ... some programs that are "factory fresh" (brand spanking new machine) can be detected as malware , etc ... "open candy" is one that comes to mind .


as for the psycho ... call me old fashioned but i do believe the boy needs to be taken out behind the barn and undergo a little "recalibration" .

hey , they do make some neat video cameras that look like a watch and work well . ;) 

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You may also want to consider certain self-defense mechanisms. There are a lot of colleges that forbid firearms on school property, however you should check your schools rules to see if mace or pepper spray would be OK.

I don't emphasis a reliance on police because they cannot prevent violent crimes. If this person does anything illegal, and you can prove it, then that's where the police come in. If they have not broken any laws, then it is best to make sure that you have some way to prevent this person from harming you, and then just try your best to ignore them.

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Hi I like dogs :)

If you feel threatened the UK police have to act and your uni have to act.  Am I right this is a man bullying you a women? 

To help prevent infection through USB have you thought of using something like Panda USB Vaccine?



Don't use and gases for defense in the UK as all are banned as they are classed as weapons CS gas for instance carries a fire arms charge with it.

You should not arm your self in any way as its best to avoid any confrontation at all.

The best defense against this bully is to ignore him don't react to him or even acknowledge him.

There is nothing more I'd like to do than offer to have some people visit this bully but that's probably a bad idea.

If it does get worse and the police do nothing I would find some one who you and he respects and both of you get on with and get him/her to negotiate a truce between the both of you. 


So in a nutshell keep a friend with you like is said above but make sure your friend understands whats going on and ignore this bully. If he does talk to you just be calm and polite.

As for malware why not post in the malware section to double check your machine.

Good luck and don't let this penguins pecker get to you.

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Don't use and gases for defense in the UK as all are banned as they are classed as weapons CS gas for instance carries a fire arms charge with it.

You should not arm your self in any way as its best to avoid any confrontation at all.

I have to admit ignorance of UK law in the area of self-defense.

Personally, I live in an area where I can carry a handgun openly in a holster on my belt (it does require that I have a permit, which I keep on me when I am away from home). No one's going to mess with someone who is openly carrying a firearm, and I refuse to go anywhere that I am forbidden from carrying it (so far with the only exception being to go to a polling place and vote, since they insist on putting it in a school, which means I have to leave my firearms and knives at home).

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