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Am I just being paranoid or is this guy out to get me?

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HI, I am studying computer science at uni and to make a long story short one of the students is a psycho. For one example about 3 months ago he started threating to stab me, eat me, and kill my family because I spilled his drink, he was not joking he was serious. I have had other "episodes" with him in the past. I told the uni and they said they had warned him, and the police said there was nothing they could without evidence. I have not had any more trouble with him, in fact that is what made me kinda suspicious. And every time I see him he gives me an evil look.


He has been studying for 4 years and he knows a lot more about coding then I do. When we do our coding assignments we use usb flash drives to transfer our c++ files from our home PC's and laptops to the uni's Computer.


So I got to thinking what if he writes malware that infects my usb flash stick and then infects my PC where he will do nasty things? Like wiretap the mic and watch the webcam?


This worried me a bit but I didn't think to much about it until I switched from bitdefender to AVG, and I ran a full scan and it detected a trojan horse.


The PC that is infected is only 2 months old and ONLY used for school work, in fact the entire web browsing history is still there, I only visited google.com, avg.com, wikipedia.org and microsoft.com. That is it, no email, no facebook, nothing. Only the sites I listed is what I visited. I swear.


That leaves the only possible way to have been infected is from the usb stick, am I right? If it was from the usb stick, that means that I was infected by a worm that spread around the uni's network and then infected me (which no one else has said anything about) or he simply targeted me, which explains why no one else has gotten this malware.


So what do you guys think? I am being paranoid? Or did he write this bit of malware and use it on just me?


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