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Beautiful Day from the kitchen


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Awesome pic!

It doesn't compete, but I would blunder my way through uploading an amateur point-and-shoot snap of the wisteria in full bloom on my patio arbor, were it not for the fact that recent thunderstorms knocked off many of the blossoms.

And there's no smellivision for the heady scent, either.

You'll have to use your imagination. ;)

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  • Root Admin

LOL - Well this is a rare/odd image as it normally never looks like this. In fact my wife was like "where is that". I told her and she did not believe me so I had to take her outside and show her the Palm tree that is a long ways away. Had it not been such a great sunset I'd have never noticed it myself and I had to hurry to take the picture as it was gone within probably less than 5 minutes.

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