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Running Malwarebytes in safe mode / Restarting

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Hi guys--

Easy question here, I'm sure... But I've never known the answer to it.

If I run Malwarebytes in safe mode, and Malwarebytes finishes and requires a restart, do I need to restart INTO safe mode? Or will restarting normally work? Or both?

I guess I'm just wondering, do you need to boot into the same environment that you RAN Malwarebytes in to complete the removal?


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Hi Giggsteve -

Usually you would not scan in safe mode to start with, unless you were having other software problems.

If you did scan in safe mode then it will not matter how you reboot the computer, as you will then scan in normal mode next -

In safe mode many infections are not able to be seen by the program, as you have not fully loaded all software.

All software should be loaded prior to a scan, and that means scan in normal mode when ever you can.

In brief - It will not matter, as you will rescan in normal mode -

I hope this sounds simple to you :huh: but if not please ask for more information -

Thank You -

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Thanks for the quick reply, I appreciate it.

Extenuating circumstances required a safe mode scan. I realize this is not optimal, but was necessary in this rare scenario. I was just unsure as to whether or not Malwarebytes would kick off its pre-Windows process if I restarted once again into safe mode rather than restarting and letting Windows load normally.

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