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Hmm? Why is this?


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Ok, you know how people always tell you not to take candy from strangers? Well, why do we have a Halloween? (No joke)

Are you sure this isn't "a joke" ?

There is a stark difference between a random and unique instance of lets say a 10 yr old girl walking through a park and a 60 yr old man that offers the little girl a lollipop versus an organized holiday where such an event is not only normal but expected.

However there have been instances of tainted candy, the so-called razor in the apple, etc. Thus Halloween Trick or Treating is not the same Today as it was say in the '70s.

Personally, my feeling there is the reason for giving candy on Halloween is to provide children high calorie content before the winter.

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I think back in the day most people knew their neighbors. People weren't moving around so much (you know ... moving across the country for a new job or divorce ... stuff like that). Kids would usually just go trick-or-treating around their neighbors only so they weren't really getting candy from any strangers.

I don't know ... just my theory.

Incidentally I heard that the whole razor blade in the apple thing was an urban legend. I'm not sure what is true anymore ... I guess it depends on who is writing the history books (or the wikipedia files).

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Because pedophiles don't spend their entire lives in vans with "Free Candy" written on the side?

Oh wow XD well, maybe they do but the police probably arrest them. I:

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Oh wow XD well, maybe they do but the police probably arrest them. I:

I wasn't aware that it was illegal to write "Free Candy" on a van. :lol:

Of course, when you do something that police find suspicious, they do have a tendency to ask you questions. I would believe that (at least in the USA) they have to have a legitimate reason to stop you (such as speeding, failing to signal a turn, etc), so I'm pretty sure that most police wouldn't stop you just for having "Free Candy" written on the side of your van (granted that could depend on local laws about traffic stops), however if they get the opportunity they will probably check you out and see what you are doing and where you are going.

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I wasn't aware that it was illegal to write "Free Candy" on a van. :lol:

Of course, when you do something that police find suspicious, they do have a tendency to ask you questions. I would believe that (at least in the USA) they have to have a legitimate reason to stop you (such as speeding, failing to signal a turn, etc), so I'm pretty sure that most police wouldn't stop you just for having "Free Candy" written on the side of your van (granted that could depend on local laws about traffic stops), however if they get the opportunity they will probably check you out and see what you are doing and where you are going.

If your in a coat and sunglasses you will be considered "suspicious.

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If your in a coat and sunglasses you will be considered "suspicious.

I imagine that would depend on the experience of a particular police officer. If they have a lot of guys wearing coats and sunglasses that cause trouble or commit crimes, then they would naturally be more suspicious of them. Of course, I hope that suspicion would be based more on behavior than on what you are wearing, of course I can understand being a bit suspicious if someone is wearing something such as pantyhose on their head since that is usually done to make it difficult to ID you on camera (although that does remind me of this video where an Australian television show host wears pantyhose on his head and goes in to stores to film the reactions).

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Yes the experience of the officer will effect the suspicion at some times. Vans that are unmarked usually do mean more trouble but they both could different amount's of suspicion.

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