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Everything posted by sman

  1. Wow. Good idea . But there's pollution everywhere except in may be in remote inhabited areas. And there are satellite videos too of such earth rotation which mày also be checked out to get further ideas. Good luck.
  2. Dizzying Footage of Earth's Rotation Across The Night Sky Will Flip Your Perspective "https://www.sciencealert.com/dizzying-timelapse-shows-earth-s-rotation-against-a-static-night-sky" https://youtu.be/1zJ9FnQXmJI From where we stand here on Earth, it's easy to forget our planet is in constant motion. Most traditional time lapses of the Milky Way make it look as though the night sky is rotating around us - but it's actually the other way around. A dazzling video from astro-photographer Aryeh Nirenberg corrects that perspective, making the reality look incredibly lop-sided. Taking a series of images every 12 seconds for about 3 hours, the photographer was able to capture Earth's rotation in relation to the Milky Way. The result is a steadily tilting floor that looks as though it's about to dump you off the face of the planet
  3. @Pierre75 l thought so and that's why I referred prime video too. Could be available there too.
  4. yes, these happenings are also there and there is also the YT video of animal abuse in the park and lions fighting inside the park and even mauling one lion by a group with the zoo officials looking on. but still the park is famous for the lion show..
  5. @exile360The park is famous for this lion show in open vehicles and in Russia. whether tamed or not can't trust those big cats which can change behaviour any moment, as even tamed elephants turn against their mahouts when they go mad when they turn more aggressive, bulkier when there testosterone levels go up when in state of 'Musth'.. so, pretty dangerous..
  6. Lion in Crimean safari park filmed cuddling with tourists, weeks after woman hurt by different lion there "https://www.straitstimes.com/world/lion-in-crimean-safari-park-filmed-cuddling-with-tourists-weeks-after-woman-hurt-by-different" Tourists at the Taigan Safari Park in Crimea had a personal encounter with a lion when it climbed into their buggy and began nuzzling and licking them. The owner of the park in Ukraine, 50-year-old Oleg Zubkov, was driving the park's open-air buggy when the incident happened. In a video uploaded on Canadian news website CTV News on Thursday (Sept 6), Mr Zubkov strokes the lion's face briefly before it climbs into the vehicle.
  7. The Y2K bug is back, causing headaches for developers again "https://www.zdnet.com/article/the-y2k-bug-is-back-causing-headaches-for-developers-again/" Twenty years ago, as the world celebrated the start of a new millennium, IT professionals across the globe were getting cold sweats at the prospect of the Y2K bug kicking in: the fear that important systems relying on two-digit date logs would come to a standstill if computers interpreted the 1 January 2000, registered as 01/01/00, as the first day of the year 1900. No major incident happened, because developers had seen Y2K coming and prepared well. But two decades later, it has become apparent that some resorted to a quicker fix than others, and simply postponed the problem to 2020. A series of incidents seem to have confirmed that Y2020 is tech's latest unwelcome blast from the past. Parking meters across New York, for example, declined credit card payments after an outdated software took the payment option offline in the New Year. The Department of Transportation is still going through the city to manually update the 14,000 parking meters one by one and dubbed the problem a "Y2K2X software glitch". And a wrestling game produced by 2K, unfortunately named WWE 2K20, reported crashes in the first seconds of the New Year; gamers took to social media to point out that the crash could be fixed by changing the date to the previous day. Although not officially attributed to a Y2020 bug, failures in Hamburg's subway system hindered traffic after a new year software update proved unsuccessful. So why are computer systems suddenly struggling with a 20-year-old bug? In some cases it may come down to a technique informally called "the pivot year" and which many a developer used back in 2000 to tackle the Y2K bug.
  8. you can watch all the six series in Hotstar.. "https://www.hotstar.com/in/tv/valley-of-the-boom/s-1972/print-hello-world/1000228838". maybe also in Prime video. ya. netscape a old rivalry. but faded after windows bloom & chrome, FF started making a mark.
  9. This doesn't mean that earlier versions of Win10 are bug proof, then no patches to it will will ever be reqd. But sadly, it's not so.. So, csn't take anything for granted. Maybe as the latest WIn 10 is having some teething problems than earlier versions and problems ironed out over time.Let's hope that there are no critical bugs in earlier versions esp. Win 7 to be exploited with EOL..
  10. RIP WINDOWS 7 MEMES "https://stayhipp.com/internet/memes/rip-windows-7-memes/"
  11. Michael Mcdonald Artist Biography "https://www.allmusic.com/artist/michael-mcdonald-mn0000459616/biography" With his husky, soulful baritone, Michael McDonald became one of the most distinctive and popular vocalists to emerge from the laid-back California pop/rock scene of the late '70s. McDonald found the middle ground between blue-eyed soul and smooth, soft rock, a sound that made him a star. He initially essayed his signature style with the Doobie Brothers, ushering in the group's most popular period with hits like "What a Fool Believes" and "Taking It to the Streets." McDonald disbanded the group in 1982 to pursue a solo career, which was initially quite successful, but by the end of the decade his popularity had faded away, since he was reluctant to work regularly and hesitant to update his sound to suit shifting popular tastes.
  12. World Premiere in Zurich: Machine Keeps Human Livers Alive for One Week Outside of the Body "https://www.media.uzh.ch/en/Press-Releases/2020/Liver.html" Researchers from the UniversityHospital Zurich, ETH Zurich, Wyss Zurich and the University of Zurich have developed a machine that repairs injured human livers and keeps them alive outside the body for one week. This breakthrough may increase the number of available organs for transplantation, saving many lives of patients with severe liver diseases or cancer. Until now, livers could be stored safely outside the body for only a few hours. With the novel perfusion technology, livers - and even injured livers - can now be kept alive outside of the body for an entire week. This is a major breakthrough in transplantation medicine, which may increase the number of available organs for transplantation and save many lives of patients suffering from severe liver disease or a variety of cancers. Injured cadaveric livers, initially not suitable for use in transplantation, may regain full function while perfused in the new machine for several days. The basis for this technology is a complex perfusion system, mimicking most core body functions close to physiology. The corresponding study was published on 13 January in the journal Nature Biotechnology.
  13. I think this sums it up. tks. And today being the D-day, only wait& watch from now on.
  14. @exile360The question of why chrome & FF need to pull the plug when the support continuation is very much plausible, still remains. Why shd they do it?
  15. Team Builds the First Living Robots "https://www.uvm.edu/uvmnews/news/team-builds-first-living-robots" Tiny 'xenobots' assembled from cells promise advances from drug delivery to toxic waste clean-up A book is made of wood. But it is not a tree. The dead cells have been repurposed to serve another need. Now a team of scientists has repurposed living cells—scraped from frog embryos—and assembled them into entirely new life-forms. These millimeter-wide "xenobots" can move toward a target, perhaps pick up a payload (like a medicine that needs to be carried to a specific place inside a patient)—and heal themselves after being cut. "These are novel living machines," says Joshua Bongard, a computer scientist and robotics expert at the University of Vermont who co-led the new research. "They're neither a traditional robot nor a known species of animal. It's a new class of artifact: a living, programmable organism." The new creatures were designed on a supercomputer at UVM—and then assembled and tested by biologists at Tufts University. "We can imagine many useful applications of these living robots that other machines can't do," says co-leader Michael Levin who directs the Center for Regenerative and Developmental Biology at Tufts, "like searching out nasty compounds or radioactive contamination, gathering microplastic in the oceans, traveling in arteries to scrape out plaque." The results of the new research were published January 13 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
  16. @Pierre75Edge chromium is to release on 15th jan. The software maker is targeting January 15th as therelease date for Edge Chromium, with availability for Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8, and macOS. It also includes Microsoft’s new built-in tracking protection, which is enabled by default. @exile360 One aspect is still not clear, when support is plausible, why Chrome & FF should pull the plug for Win 7 (though FF has still not come out with any announcement so far) and websites allowing access only to latest browser versions/ it's needless to say the necessity of browser patches , which after 2/4 yrs will be stopped by chrome/ff unless one upgrades windows. so where does this leave the user? yes. one can still access websites with a browser in XP/IE 11 for that matter, but unpatched. Is it recommended? Is it a good practice? certainly, patches are necessary to patch bugs/vulnerabilities in browser and to work with an unpatched browser is akin to asking for trouble. so, what the user has to do, to stay secure after chrome/FF pull the plug?
  17. nice to know. IT keeps evolving and one needs to keep abreast of developments in the field to put to best use the latest techniques & trends..
  18. Wow.. But one can't be complacent. even IT people have fallen victime to cyber crimes.. All the best..
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