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  1. @Andy2No2 Your issue of the system being bogged down on scans is unusual. There may be something not so obvious that is causing your problem. I suggest you download and run their Support Tool, follow the instructions to gather the logs, and attach them to this post (or start another). The MBAM Gurus can analyze the data for possible issues and advise.
  2. I understand. Keyless is better, and online management only renders my question mute. 😶😉 Thanks again.
  3. I can no longer see my subscription key on the My Subscription page. I have to go online to Manage Subscriptions just to see it, even if I don't need to do anything. With multiple subscriptions it's now awkward to find which is using which key. It was always, and still is, see-able on V4. Can it be reinstated, please? Thanks .
  4. Andy, at least provide the version of MBAM you are running. Click the User symbol upper right, then About Malwarebytes. Thanks.
  5. Thanks. I did look around before I posted, could not find one.
  6. This is minor, a cosmetic request. For years, and currently on 4.6.9, the revision number is displayed on the Title Bar upper left of the UI. i.e. - Malwarebytes 4.6.9. That no longer is there. Same for a hover over the systray icon, used to show there, too. Like I said, minor, but it was one of the very first things I noticed, and some of my friends on forums did also. Thanks for the indulgence. 🙂
  7. Logs............. mbst-grab-results.zip
  8. Every night I run a manual scan just before shutdown. 90% of the time it finds this exact entry, a Spyware.Vidar class of malware. When I look for the file entry, it does not exist. It almost looks like a "one time" entry. I'm forced to clean and reboot. If i choose not to reboot, at SHUTDOWN MBAM will do the clean and RESTART, not SHUTDOWN. What is this odd entry that's being detected as malware and why does MBAM act this way? Thanks. Malwarebytes Scan Report 2024-03-04 013110.txt
  9. Easy one first. DXDIAG attached. If I could simply resize vertically that would solve it. MBAM is not respecting space already allocated. DxDiag.txt
  10. MBAM UI sizing is too large and not vertically resizable. The bottom of the UI is cutoff by the taskbar and not visible. I have to use 150% scaling due to eyesight issues. MBAM 4.9 is not like this. Windows 22631.3155. Attached- with and without taskbar active.
  11. Me, too, to all of the above. AND it's also blocking gmail, and MSN News.
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