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  1. Please provide following details, so that someone may be able to assist you: OS version including 32/64-bit Installed Security Product(s) including Firewall and Program Versions MBAM version (current (Free or Pro) Definition version (current 6516) Do you use a router to connect to Internet Do you have a corporate firewall or use a proxy
  2. your welcome, thanks for chiming in and clarifying its an office site.
  3. Hello, and Welcome to Malwarebytes First off let me say that is is not a good idea to not have any anti-virus software installed on your computer. I would install some antivirus software on your computer first, update it and run a scan with it. Second, if Malwarebytes Pro was installed, and it was running, when it blocks a page you will get a notification in the system tray that it blocked the page, did you get any notifications. Third, you may be a victim of an infection that is causing these blocks, you should have your system checked by the experts... If you think you are infected, here are the steps needed to get your computer cleaned.... Please read the following so that you can begin the cleaning process: You have 3 Options that you can choose from as listed below: [*]Option 1
  4. Blocked IP's are based on the IP in question being known for hosting malicious content. That does not necessarily mean that the site you visited is itself unsafe, simply that there may be other sites hosted on the same IP address that are unsafe. P2P programs such as IRC clients, Skype, Bittorrent, and game servers often use a wide range of IP addresses, some of which may also host malicious content, which is why you'll tend to see more IP blocks when using such software. I hope that clears things up a bit. Also, if you are visiting a webpage that you believe is safe and you receive and IP block, it could possibly be a false positive and may warrant further investigation by our staff of researchers so that they can look into it and remove the IP from our block list. To do so, please refer to this post: IP Blocking False Positives and post the info here: False Positives.
  5. I do not know why your topic was closed, but if it was, it was probably due to them giving you advice that there was no hope except a fresh format and re-install of the operating system. I suggest you backup your data and then proceed with a fresh install....
  6. I do not know if you are infected, did you actually follow the instructions and do the copy and paste and run it? If you want to make sure you are not infected you know you have to post in the HJT section and have the experts take a look.
  7. was your problem resolved with the rootkit?
  8. Hello garyg, and Welcome to Malwarebytes I am sorry to hear you are infected, and every case can be different. I suggest that you seek help from the experts to remove your infection and they can help you get your computer back in working order. Please follow my insturctions below.... Here are the steps needed to get your computer cleaned.... Please read the following so that you can begin the cleaning process: You have 3 Options that you can choose from as listed below: [*]Option 1
  9. I understand what you are saying, and thanks for bringing it up to our attention and your work around. With the help of people like you the folks at Malwarebytes are able to get information they need to come up with a fix. I know that reading through a canned speech does not always make sense, but to be honest with you it not only helps you, but it will help others. By you providing the required logs and posting them so the experts can review them, they are able to trace the source of the infection and correct it. With this information, the experts pass along what they found on your computer to the developers and then they add it to the database so that with the next update they are able to detect the infection. This way everyone wins. Don't get me wrong, I am not knocking down your solution, if it works great (as in your case it did), its valuable information, although some folks may not want to take that approach, as they may have a lot of files to save, and user preferences in their profile. They may feel it is too time consuming and would prefer a quicker fix. As I mentioned with your help by posting your logs in the HJT section would help everyone. It is my opinion that canned speeches do work and this is why I use them. I am glad your computer is back to working order. The cause of your infection could be a rootkit infection, and if that is the case, your problem you had will eventually creep up again because just deleting the profile and creating a new one will most likely not get rid of the rootkit. If I were you, I would still post in the HJT section and have the experts take a look at my logs to make sure ALL of the infection has been removed.
  10. I can not confirm that site to be one of the mirrors as I am not located in your area.... one of the staff may be able to respond to that, just use the official like I provide above it should work.
  11. Glad the other solution worked for you, now you can follow the same instructions as before but now exclude the Tenmast install folder.... Please open Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware and click on the Ignore List tab. Use the Add button to add Tenmast's Program Files folder to MBAM's Ignore List and then reboot to see if the issue is now resolved or not. Please let us know how it goes. Thanks
  12. Hello, and Welcome to Malwarebytes Sounds like an infection there, please follow the instructions below: If you think you are infected, here are the steps needed to get your computer cleaned.... Please read the following so that you can begin the cleaning process: You have 3 Options that you can choose from as listed below: [*]Option 1
  13. Thanks for the info, I know they have a lot of mirrors that they use, I am not sure it that's one of them, but I am sure the folks at Malwarebytes will check your link out, in the meantime you can download from the links below: Here are the download links for you, when a new version comes out, sometimes it takes time for all the mirrors to catch up with the latest version.... Download FROM HERE: This link will direct you to any of the following download sites, all considered safe: CNET FileForumBeta MajorGeeks TechSpot Bleeping Computer Note: Ignore all 'Recommended' or 'Sponsored' software which is prominently displayed, they are ads and we do not have any association with them. Save the file to your desktop then double-click it to begin installation. Or you can use this official link HERE Thanks and should you have any issues please let us know....
  14. There is a big cause of your problem, you have at least 3 antivirus programs listed there, remove all but one antivirus program.
  15. Hello, and Welcome to Malwarebytes If you think you are infected, here are the steps needed to get your computer cleaned.... Please read the following so that you can begin the cleaning process: You have 3 Options that you can choose from as listed below: [*]Option 1
  16. Glad to hear, should you need anything else let us know....
  17. Malwarebytes is designed to catch what your anti-virus fails to detect, this is why its a good idea to run the pro version of Malwarebytes along side your antivirus software. Yes Malwarebytes PRO will protect you from XP Anti-Virus 2011. Keep in mind that the malware developers (evil guys) morph their infections into different names and are always changing. The folks at Malwarebytes (the good guys) do their best in keeping it updated to detect all the threats they know about. They also have a great group of hunters as well as volunteers that submit samples daily to combat all the new stuff coming out, this is why they have updates very regularly as many as 5 to 8 times a day.
  18. Please do the following: Download and run mbam-clean.exe from here on the laptop to fully uninstall Malwarebytes.... It will ask to restart your computer, please allow it to do so very important On the computer you want to install it on, temporarily disable your Anti-Virus and install the latest version of Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware from here Note: You will need to reactivate the program using the license you were sent via email if using the Pro version Launch the program and set the Protection and Registration. Then go to the UPDATE tab if not done during installation and check for updates. Restart the computer again and verify that MBAM is in the task tray if using the Pro version. Now setup any file exclusions as may be required in your Anti-Virus/Internet-Security/Firewall applications and restart your Anti-Virus/Internet-Security applications. You may use the guides posted in the FAQ's here or ask and we'll explain how to do it.
  19. Hello, and Welcome to Malwarebytes If you think you are infected, here are the steps needed to get your computer cleaned.... Please read the following so that you can begin the cleaning process: You have 3 Options that you can choose from as listed below: [*]Option 1
  20. Loverboy - Lovin' Every Minute Of It
  21. Your welcome, did not know where to really post this, but if it needs moving I am sure maybe one of the moderators can move it....
  22. Hackers step up game, spread malware using Bin Laden bait Facebook scams also ramp up as criminals exploit major news event Hackers today stepped up their use of Osama Bin Laden's death by shoving malware into PCs when users fall for phony claims of photographs and video, security researchers said today. "It's not really surprising," said Mikko Hypponen, the chief research officer of Helsinki-based F-Secure. "We were expecting to see related malware." The shift to direct attacks follows Monday's campaigns to push fake security software, dubbed "rogueware," to both Windows and Mac users. Earlier today, F-Secure warned users to steer clear of spam that included the "Fotos_Osama_Bin_Laden.zip" archive attachment. The messages claim the file contains photos of Bin Laden after he was shot and killed by U.S. special forces during a 40-minute firefight in his compound in the northern Pakistani city of Abbottabad. Running the resulting Windows executable file doesn't display photographs, but instead launches a new banking Trojan horse belonging to the three-year-old "Banload" line, said Hypponen. The malware sniffs out online banking sessions and then tries to redirect payments to other accounts. Other security companies have also snared malware packaged with Bin Laden spam. Today, Symantec said it had found email messages touting photos and video of the U.S. attack's aftermath. The messages, which so far have been written in French, Portuguese and Spanish, lead users to a fake CNN Web site where they're told to download video. As in the F-Secure instance, the download is, in fact, a "dropper" that in turn downloads malicious code to the Windows PC. Bin Laden scams are also spreading quickly on Facebook, Hypponen and others said. The latest scam plays on the reputation of Wikileaks, the organization that has leaked thousands of U.S. military and diplomatic messages during the last year. "Osama is dead, watch this exclusive CNN video which was censored by Obama Administration due to level of violence, a must watch," claims the Facebook spam. "Leaked by Wikileaks." According to U.K.-based Sophos, the Facebook messages don't play video of the al-Qaeda leader's death, but actually dupe users into copying and pasting a line of JavaScript into their browser's address bar. "Any time you paste a script into your browser's address bar, you're effectively running code written by the scammers without the safety net of protection," said Graham Cluley, a Sophos senior security technology consultant, in a post to his company's blog Tuesday. The JavaScript shares the bogus news of the video with all of a user's Facebook friends by posting it to their "walls." The criminals make money, said security firm Commtouch, by eventually shunting to users a marketing page that generates pay-per-click revenues. Hackers and scammers are able to rapidly ramp up attacks whenever a major news story breaks because they're simply tweaking existing malware or schemes, said Hypponen. And some of their processes are even automated. "The [search engine poisoning] is fully automated," Hypponen said, referring to the tactic where hackers and other cyber criminals pollute search engine results with pages containing links to malicious sites. "They automatically generate pages with worthless content, or sometimes with no content at all," said Hypponen. "This works especially well when the news hasn't yet been covered by a normal site. It's possible for anybody to get their page within the top 10 [results] by being fast enough." Hypponen expected that cyber criminals will continue to exploit Bin Laden's death for some time to come. "They usually keep trying longer than it actually works," he said. "Most people won't be falling for [such scams] for very long, but the video might work for a while, because I wouldn't expect the U.S. to release a real video." Also part of the Bin Laden campaigns, experts said yesterday, was the first attempt by online crooks to push Mac-specific rogueware to Apple's customers. Click on the Logo above to go to the source
  23. The license file is good for only ONE computer. You can only activate it on one computer at any given time. Bear in mind, if you replace that computer you can transfer the license to the new computer by simply uninstalling it from the old one and installing it on the new one.
  24. Please continue your discussion with the expert helping you HERE Thanks for understanding....
  25. In a short answer, Yes you would have been protected with the PRO version. There is no 100%, but I know that Malwarebytes PRO together with your anti-virus software you will be protected.
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