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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. Just wanted to say that mine updated with the new database numbering format just fine, I did not have to uninstall or reinstall or anything.
  2. I think that that is a good idea I have used the forum a couple times on my friend's Smartphone and I didn't notice anything amiss but then again I think it was before the new forum change maybe & I also was mainly browsing topics.
  3. Actually there is nothing that I want or need this year... Well there is one thing but it's nothing that money can buy. And I haven't gotten anything yet as it is not Christmas yet
  4. @Swarnava I am glad that you are having no issues as well. I love the combo. Two of the most powerful protections that you can get (in my opinion), working together!
  5. Absolutely both Malwarebytes is a complement to an antivirus program. You should never run just Malwarebytes, and ideally you should never run just an AV. Malwarebytes is good at catching what AV's are not able to or not designed to get.
  6. @fivealive Yep. :/ Iris is wonderful! If you are going to buy the albums well basically they are all good except their very first two, kinda vulgar and I dont' care for them but Hold me up onward are excellent! If you are going to pick a few albums though here are my top recommendations: A Boy Named Goo Dizzy Up The Girl (that is the album that Iris is on) Something for the rest of us (that is their newest ) & All That You Are is not on an album, it was done for the newest Transformers movie so you can download it by itself from iTunes, that's what I did
  7. @fivealive Cool All That You Are is a beautiful, wonderful, amazing song and it always lifts me up! Listen to that one for sure! That stinks but it sounds like you are on your way to recovery so try not to get too down in the dumps about it, it won't help you any.
  8. All is well so far here on Win Vista SP2 w/ newest version of MSE & Mbam Pro w/ exclusions added for both!
  9. @fivealive You're welcome I have almost all of their albums. I love them. They are my favorite! Oh good I am glad that you are feeling better! I hope that the bleeding has subsided and will not come back! This is their official website & you can listen to samples of their music on it when you have a chance: http://www.googoodolls.com/ This is their official YouTube page: http://www.youtube.com/thegoogoodolls And if you are on Facebook, their official Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/googoodolls
  10. @Fivealive I wish you good health and a speedy recovery Well I love the Goo Goo Dolls, they always make me feel great!
  11. I agree Exile, it is a good idea to set exclusions just in case!
  12. Personally, I use Kasperksy AV and Mbam Pro together, with exclusions added for KAV in MBAM and exclusions for MBAM in KAV and they play together quite nicely I haven't tried Mbam pro w/ MSE yet but I plan to soon and I am sure that it will work JUST fine with exclusions
  13. Haaaaaapppyyyy Birthday!! Hope it's great!
  14. You're welcome! That was super fast! Thank you for letting me know!
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