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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. Greyowl, Mbam is incorporated in the United States, although it does employ people world-wide, Edit: and there are volunteers and helpers who live world-wide too. Mbam, in case you didn't know, is designed and made to detect and remove those items that AV's cannot completely remove or even can't find. It's good at what an anti-virus it not good at.
  2. Yes, Greyowl, it downloads the entire database everytime. Since you're on dial-up, I'd say you should probably only update once a day, this should be sufficient. Unless of course you find out about a FP on the forum, then update of course It took about 10-15 minutes for Mbam to update for me too when I was updating it on a computer with dial-up. Only reason I say update it once a day on dial-up is because it takes a while, but if you'd like to update it more often, feel free to!
  3. Hello there We don't work on Malware removal in the general forums. Please print out, read and follow the directions here, skipping any steps you are unable to complete. Then post a NEW topic here. One of the expert helpers there will give you one-on-one assistance when one becomes available. After posting your new post make sure under options that you select Track this topic and choose one of the Email options so that you're alerted when someon has replied to your post. Alternatively, as a paying customer, you can contact the help desk at support@malwarebytes.org Thank you
  4. You're welcome Let us know what you decide
  5. @ Missing. Good good! Well not good about the FP but good that you aren't REALLY infected What OS are you using by the way?
  6. Avira AV and MBAM paid have no conflicts, so I imagine it would be the same for the Avira Security suite and Mbam It is said that Avira and Mbam are a perfect match
  7. I was using IE today to do something with rich/html text since it doesn't always work very well in FF. I assumed that it would work right away, but instead of finding the rich editor box all set and ready to go, and the following add-on wanted me to install it. "Microsoft
  8. Greyowl, If you have Microsoft Office, I find Microsoft Office Picture Manager to be decent for very basic editing purposes. I have mostly used it to resize pictures and you can also turn color pictures into black and white. If you want to do much more than that though, its not the best choice. Adobe Photoshop is really cool. Last time I actually used it was about 6 years ago though, so I am not sure what its like now.
  9. @ Missing Please see TeMerc's post here and see if this is what was supposedly being detected: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.p...st&p=165532
  10. just stepping in here, prairie dog. Actually, you should go here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.p...mp;#entry156475 And follow the directions that Ade provides Your issue looks exactly what his post is about. If that doesn't cure it, then follow prairie dog's directions above
  11. Yep, a lot of people are having issues with it flagging stuff
  12. You are very welcome! I'm glad that I was able to help you out Also, I had an edit in my post here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.p...st&p=165438 not sure if you saw the edit or not
  13. That's good, Missing I would strongly caution against having your computer online and especially using the web while you have no anti-virus. If you do keep your machine connected to the internet while you have no AV, please only visit this forum and the Avast! forums and the site you may need to download a fresh install of Avast! from, if you don't already have it saved to your computer. Being online with no AV is very risky. Otherwise, sounds like a good plan
  14. Missing, Avira is quite good Although you will need a clean-up tool for Avast! prior to installing Avira. Avira download Note: this will go directly to the .exe download for Avira Avast! Clean up tool Note: this will also go directly to the .exe download for the Avast! clean up tool. Info for the Avast! tool: http://www.avast.com/eng/avast-uninstall-utility.html Avast! links gotten from one of our experts blogs here: http://uninstallers.blogspot.com/ Instructions: Download Avira but do not yet install it. You said you already did, but if you did not, uninstall Avast! first. Run clean up tool for Avast!. Restart system. Install Avira, using the default settings. One of our members here that I PMed about this told me that Avast! are quick to fix FP's, so you could have just temporarily disabled Avast! if this was a huge problem for you. He is also having some issues with Avast! flagging something that he uses too. Also, of course, if you wish to re-install Avast after this is fixed, you will need the Avira clean-up tool before installing Avast again. Instructions: Uninstall Avira. Restart your computer. Run Avira clean-up tool. Restart your computer again. Install Avast! Avira clean up tool Info: http://www.avira.com/en/pages/pages.php?id_pag=220
  15. You're quite welcome, Missing Ah ha, that tends to happen from time to time (an update in an AV conflicting with another program or the other way around). Hopefully they'll fix this soon
  16. If you don't think that this is a true malware issue, you should post your issue in one or both of their forums (Avast and Online Armor). If you don't have the links, I'll see if I can't find them for you If you do think this is a malware issue, please post your description of what is happening and your log here, as malware removal is not worked on in the general forums. Thank you There are forum members here though that use Avast and/or Online Armor, so perhaps one of them might be able to help, I'll message a couple people for you
  17. jordannnnnn: I back up exactly what Exile just said, it's just not safe. I admit I too used it in the past. I stopped using it more than two years ago because I felt bad about what I was doing, and I couldn't justify it any longer. I only downloaded songs here and there, not a large number, but that really isn't the point. I didn't even know until early on this year that it is a very likely source of infection for computers, and that is the second reason I will never ever use a program like LimeWire ever again, and I urge anyone that I find out who uses one to please, please get rid of it. Personal example of an infection: My friend downloaded a song using LimeWire, the song didn't even work, her McAfee alerted her to an infection, and thankfully I was there that day or the day after this happened, and I downloaded Malwarebytes, and presto! infection gone. Thankfully it wasn't any of the supernasties that you can find on these filesharing programs... As a side note, when replying, please either use the "Add Reply" button at the bottom of the page or erase what the person before you said prior to posting as this makes the forum easier to read. Just address people as @username or username: And Exile, thanks for that link. I've seen it posted here before, but I could not find it again. I want to show it to a few people
  18. Congrats to Mr. Green! I hope Mr. Jones isn't too badly injured though.
  19. Happy Birthday Jasper the Rasper!
  20. Thank you for the quick response, Ron. Oh, don't worry, I definitely won't add one before checking.
  21. Ron, Perhaps a silly question, but will a user be able to not install or somehow disable the IP exclusion feature? Or should it just not be used if one doesn't wish to use it?
  22. Hello Gary and welcome to the forums here at Malwarebytes.org And thank you for your purchase of Malwarebytes! (Just to clarify - you do mean that you'd transfer the license off the old computer to the new one, correct)? You absolutely could do this! You would just need to follow the directions in this link: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=7038 Of course, after you finish with step 4, complete step 5 on your new system If you have any other questions, feel free to post them and someone will be happy to assist you as soon as someone is available. Also, as a side note, when replying, please use the "Add reply" button at the bottom of the page or erase what the person you are replying to said before you post, as this makes the forum easier to read.
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